Original transcription by Jim Walker
Updated transcript prepared by Ed Willis 2/2 Commando Association of Australia
Met dank aan Ed Willis
12th September 1942
Major WALKER plus 7 officers and 4 NCOs left DARWIN for TIMOR to undertake recce prior to movement of the Company.
13th September 1942
1300 hrs recce plane sighted; land in sight at 1600 hrs. At 1710 while approaching BETANO (091042544) ships officers reported sighting vessels on our course and Captain decided to turn back pending further instructions.
14th September 1942
Wireless silence broken at 0720 hrs but unable to contact NAVY DARWIN. Contact made approx. 1100 hrs. Instructed to proceed to within 150 miles TIMOR and remain pending further air recce.
15th September 1942
Received instructions to proceed to BETANO. Two recce planes flew over 1440 hrs. Land sighted 1600 hrs. At 1900 hrs shore signals from land party identified and good landing of both personnel and stores effected
16th September 1942
Coy recce personnel moved to ALAS (09012548). Captain BALDWIN handling rations at BETANO and forwarding same to SAME (09002541) for distribution to PI areas.
17th September 1942
All Company personnel rested at ALAS. Major WALKER conferred with C.O. SPARROW FORCE re disposal of 4 AIC. Message sent to NORFORCE re war equipment to be brought over with Company personnel.
18th September 1942
Captain HAIGH in hospital at ALAS. PI recce parties moved out to PI areas. Major CALLINAN arrived FORCE HQ.
19th September 1942
Conference at FORCE HQ re use of and disposition 4 AIC. Decision for new Pls to operate in conjunction with Pls of like designation of 2 AIC. ENGINEER SECTION to be attached to B Pl. Majors WALKER and CALLINAN moved to COY HQ at TUTOLORO (09032542). Captain THOMPSON and recce party A and C Pls at SAME. Captain O’CONNOR, Lt FLEMING and Cpl HAYES at COY HQ.
20th September 1942
Captain O’CONNOR and party together with Captain LAIDLAW departed for B PI area. Major WALKER conferred generally with Major CALLINAN on operations of 2 AIC. Lt NICOLAY arrived COMPANY HQ from FORCE HQ to confer re communications.
21st September 1942
Major WALKER at COY HQ-other members of recce party moving to and within Pl areas. Advice received of date of arrival (23 September) of Coy personnel.
22nd September 1942
Major WALKER moved to ALAS to confer with CO of SPARROW FORCE – relative Force Operational Instruction No 9 (see appendix A). Remainder of Company at ADELAIDE RIVER embussed in two parties – the first party consisting of 2 officers and 51 other ranks moved at 0630 hrs for DARWIN to load stores whilst the main body moved at 0845 hrs for the same destination. Shortly after lunch the Coy was addressed by the G.O.C. NT FORCE, then embarked on H.M.A.S. VOYAGER which sailed from port shortly after 1800 hrs. Good journey with only one suspected case of a submarine.
23rd September 1942
Major WALKER and Lieut NICOLAY proceeded to BETANO. Dispersal areas selected for immediate dispersion of troops on arrival at 1630 hrs – advised time. Destroyer transporting troops sighted at approx. 1715hrs. Main body of troops ashore by 1800 hrs and stores soon after. Folding boats proved most suitable as landing craft. Major WALKER received advice about 1830hrs that destroyer was aground and went on board for conference with ship’s Captain and Captain WEBSTER. Decided that operation of movement of 4 AIC continue according to plan. Captain WEBSTER to remain at BETANO as liaison officer between Army and Navy.
Difficultly experienced in sorting out essential W/E for transportation to PI areas. Types of stores became mixed during transportation to beach and thence to dump by natives and horses. This type of transport most difficult to control as natives display a dislike to travelling in the dark and tend to become very excited under these circumstances.
24th September 1942
Three Pls moved out between 0100hrs and 0200hrs. COY HQ at 0300hrs. MO and Pte TOPFER to ALAS. Sgt Oddy (sprained knee), Pte HOLDEN (sick) remained at BETANO. Capt GARVEY (2 i/c), Sgt LEECH (CQMS), Spr BEERS (storeman) remained at BETANO to assist Capt BALDWIN in disposal of equipment and rations.
HQ and C Pl | total 89 personnel | arrived SAME (09002541) 1900hrs |
A Pl | total 72 personnel | arrived HATU-UDU (09082536) |
B Pl | total 90 personnel | arrived ALAS according to plan |
Aircraft and explosions heard by HQ party from direction BETANO approx. 0915 hrs and again 1630hrs. Destroyer and surrounding areas being bombed, cannoned and machine-gunned. Remainder of stores plus ships stores shifted to a better hiding place pending disposal to platoons and FORCE. Enemy planes raided the area on three occasions and succeeded only in destroying all the ship’s beer and wounding four or five sailors. Approx. 80 bombs dropped and the ship NOT hit. The first air raid saw the sailors manning the ships guns and reliable reports state the Jap bomber crashed and the fighter losing height and issuing dark smoke.
25th September 1942
A Pl 4 AIC contacted members A Pl 2 AIC approx. 1600 hrs between HATU-UDU and AINARO. JAPS entered AINARO at 0400 hrs. B Pl departed ALAS. No contact with this party throughout the day. C Pl departed SAME 0830hrs contacted their like friends at 1300. Men very fatigued. Pack train followed approx. 1 hour later in charge Cpl DORAN. Equipment included one 2″ mortar and £150 cash. JAP recce plane flew low over SAME 0930hrs. Only limited horse transport available as result enemy air activity therefore decided to ferry stores out in case of subsequent bombing. Consequently COY HQ personnel did not arrive TUTULORO this p.m.
Major WALKER arrived COY HQ 1530hrs. Captain CROSBIE arrived 2 AIC HQ to discuss organisation of FORCE and COY signals systems in Timor.
26th September 1942
Operational – COY HQ and PI personnel generally resting or moving up into positions 2 and 4 Coys to work in conjunction; like subunits of each will generally be operating together. Advice received from FORCE HQ that vessel aground at BETANO had been blown up this morning. DARWIN again asking for prisoner. Pls informed.
Communication -208 sets of No 4 Coy to be used by Secs to pass back information to 109 sets at PI HQ; thence by Pl 101 set to 101 set at No.2 COY HQ; thence by 101 set from combined No.2 and No.4 COY HQ to 109 set at FORCE HQ such set being forwarded from BETANO.
27th September 1942
Operational – At dawn this morning a patrol from A PI No. 2 Coy moved into AINARO (099002531) and discovered the JAPS had moved out – reported to be at ATSABE (085925241). 2 Secs A Pl No.4 Coy in AINARO area. 1 Sec at HATU-UDU; Jap fighter machine gunned HATU-UDU at 0930 hrs, no casualties. Disposition of C PI No.4 Coy was advised as follows – HQ at Map Ref 0857-2539; No.7 0858-2537; No.8 0856-2537; No.9 0855-2536; and is OPing MAUBISSE. 208 W/T set in use by this Sec. Captain BOYLAND OC C PI No. 2 Coy states that native rumour indicates there are 200 JAPS in AILEU who will move to MAUBISSE on night 27/28 Sept. A Pl No. 2 AIC reported that sub-units No.4 Coy have settled into position with like units of No. 2 Coy. FORCE HQ advised that DARWIN had been given all Coy codes and that DARWIN intend to listen in to all signal traffic thereby keeping directly in the picture. Advised that B PI No.4 Coy had arrived at Pl HQ, less No. 6 Sec, which had remained at TURISCAI (0853-2543). Surplus signal stores and other equipment transferred from COY HQ to hideout.
Sgt Hopper and Sigs Brown and Brittain moved to Fatu Cuac with 208 set to establish communications with COY HQ and facilitate disposal of stores from BETANO (0910-2544).
28th September 1942
PORTO report received stating that JAPS intended moving in to SAME on night 28/29, such southerly movement to be from AILEU through MAUBISSE. Following orders were issued to delay and harass such movement – C Pl to observe track MAUBISSE-SAME; B Pl to observe road from AILEU to MAUBISSE to give advance information and to harass the enemy at his rear and left flank; D Pl to move to harass the enemy right flank; A Pl.to move forward and to be in a position to oppose enemy on MAUBISSE-SAME track of its southern extremity and also to be able to oppose movement on other tracks southward of SAME.
COY HQ are preparing to move to new HQ; recce party sent forward to determine location. WO Marshall, Cpl Coltoun and Ptes Burden and Irwin moved to TURISCAI (0850-2543) to report to 6 Sec. The latter three to be used as escorts for pack train between TURISCAI and COY HQ at TUTULORO. They carried with them 2” mortar, 6 (illegible) and £50 to be sent on to B Pl HQ.
FORCE HQ requested that a daily SITREP be forwarded at 1500 hrs. Pls advised of this requirement and asked to co-operate fully.
29th September 1942
C Pl reported that their OP reported entry of JAPS into MAUBISSE at dawn this morning, that their strength was estimated at 500 and that they commenced to move out at 0800 hrs. At 1030 hrs C Pl troops both Companies engaged enemy just north of KABLAK SADDLE (0856-2537). A series of ambushing actions were fought but the Pls reported being forced out of the hills and before dark had taken up a position south of SAME, the plains immediately to the north of the town being unsuitable country for further immediate action. Captain BOYLAND OC C Pl 2 AIC reported estimated 50 JAPS killed or wounded whilst 8 of our men were missing but it is not yet known to which Coy they belonged. A Pl received PORTO report that at 1400 hrs JAPS were within a half hour of SAME, which was probably correct. At 1700 C Pl reported that enemy were thought to be sleeping north of SAME.
B Pl advised that their OP on the AILEU-MAUBISSE road was in a position in the vicinity of Builibo (0855-2532) and that they expected to establish contact with No.6 Sec posted at TURISCAI (0853-2543) by W/T this afternoon. The general plan of action as initiated 28th Sept is proceeding. Coy radio network frequency to one common to 101 and 109 sets and frequent movements of the Pl HQs. COY HQ moved to native village (0855-2545) on night 29-30 September.
30th September
Report received that JAPS had entered SAME night 29-30 September and moved in direction Fatacuac 0800 hrs 30 September. A & C Pls ordered to cooperate in heavy night attack 30 September-1 October such attack to commence before 2359 hrs, every man to be used. JAPS to be followed up and routed. In interim C Pl informed COY HQ they were covering the tracks leading from SAME to Fatacuac and BETANO. Their forward patrols failed to regain contact and during afternoon A Pl was moving up and asking for information re enemy dispositions. Enemy planes active making movement difficult.
C Pl contacted Captain Baldwin and warned him of the Jap movement, apparently in direction of Fatacuac. Most of vital stores have been cleared from this area including explosives, part this Coy W/E. General direction of vital stores movement has been through ALAS then eastward to B Pl area.
6 Sec 4 AIC reported by runner his position as approx. (0855-2543); instructed to return to MINDELO-MAUBISSE area. PORTO rumour from C de Ps AINARO and HATU-UDU stated that 1500 JAPS were on move towards MAUBISSE – not confirmed.
1st October 1942
Heavy raid ordered for night 30 September-1 October not carried out due to patrols from both A and C Pls being unable to contact enemy. Sec A Pl. at Raimera (0901-2539) reported all quiet at SAME night 30 September-1 October. Pl HQ now-C at Fatacuac. A at HATU-UDU. Pls ordered to investigate enemy movements in areas or direction: (a) BETANO (b) movement up Sue River (c) movement towards HATU-UDU (d) movement towards ALAS.
Captain Baldwin in a message originated at 1100 hrs reported that natives anticipated JAPS would cross river between SAME and BETANO at village map ref 09052542. Later confirmed by two men of C Pl that some JAPS were at this crossing at 1200 hrs. Natives reported JAPS had visited beach at BETANO but only remained a few hours, departing at moonrise 30 September-1 October. At 1715 hrs C Pl patrols reported no JAPS at BETANO.
At 1335 hrs A Pl reported extensive aerial recce in direction of HATU-UDU suggesting possible Jap movement in that direction. At 1440 hrs HATU-UDU patrol reported no movement observed on track from BETANO. At 1400hrs A PI patrols entered SAME from West and South: reported no JAPS but some native huts were burnt.
B PI reported: (a) large number of JAPS in AILEU (0844-2534) occupying Administrators house and Chinese shops (b) proposed establishment of OP at Lahui east of AILEU on night of 1-2 October (c) 6 Sec 4 AIC engaged enemy on SAME track south of MAUBISSE. No casualties to us. COY HQ established at Ailalec (08542547) on night 30 September-1 October.
Administration – Cpl Kellaher, Ptes Craven, Dalton of 7 Sec reported COY HQ stating they had been left when remainder 7 Sec withdrew. They reported VX 67205 Pte E.J. Hourigan as killed. Coy S/M. Marshall returned Coy. HQ from HQ B Pl.
2nd October 1942
Operational – FORCE HQ established near Nova Anadia (0857-2553) (also known as Fatu Berliu). A Pl reported 150 JAPS entered HATU-UDU at dusk 1st October and they departed 0800 hrs for AINARO. Further patrols by A and C Pls in BETANO area report no contact with enemy. No enemy in ALAS area. B Pl established OP approx. 2 miles East of AILEU at 0600 hrs. Reported 200 JAPS moved from AILEU in direction Soloi (0842-2533)at 0725 hrs.
Administration – Cpl Moore 3 Sec suspected appendicitis case – to be evacuated to RAP. Pte Hamilton 7 Sec and Ptes Barnes and Killorn 8 Sec reported in to COY HQ. All eight men reported as missing from C Pl now accounted for.
3rd October 1942
Operational – A Pl reported – our patrol entered HATU-UDU on night 2-3 October and confirmed that JAPS had left for AINARO 0800 hrs 2 October. Lieut Turton OC D Pl 2 AIC reported that he had seen approx. 280 JAPS plus 180 natives leaving HATU-UDU to AINARO on 2 October. It therefore seems that all enemy forces have now moved out of SAME area. Food scarce in their area and men need rest. Capt Garvey 4 AIC to arrange forwarding of food from Fatu Cuac.
OC A Pl queried intention of enemy – to send large patrols to keep us on the move and so exhausting us.
Three twin engine bombers from south circle near SAME of 0750 hrs then returned south.
B Pl report: no enemy in area east of DILI. No report from MAUBISSE area. 6 Sec 4 AIC moving therein but no contact. This Sec left from MINDELO 1 October. 208 W/T sets not operating satisfactorily due to lack of correct batteries which were requisitioned for prior to departure from Australia but were not available. Lack of batteries seriously compromised the efficiency of our signal System and dependent operations
Administration – Lt Col Spence arrived at COY HQ.
4th October 1942
Operational – Enemy plane patrolling along South coast at 0800 hrs. Also over HATU-BUILICO (0854-2531) and Nunamogue areas. 6 Sec 4 AIC reported enemy movement MAUBISSE. A Pl reported that JAPS burned many native huts near SAME and HATU-UDU and that stores, ammunition and battery charger hidden in latter area had been destroyed.
D Pl reported that an OP on DILI from BAZAR-TETE (0839-2523) was not suitable, observations from Cooalar ((blank)) would be restricted to 2 hours (0600-0800) due to haze and cloud bank. Further, only portion of harbour would be visible from this OP as Tibar (0834-2529) causes part obstruction.
Intelligence – C PI reported that JAPS moving from MAUBISSE to AINARO on 23 September were very mixed including Timors and Javanese. Some wore DUTCH uniforms, some khaki shirts and shorts. Party which left MAUBISSE on 29 September appeared to include few Timors. The JAPS in this party wore for the main part light khaki jackets, green trousers, boots and gaiters. Officers appear to be mounted and well to the rear. Their movement was mainly confined to the tracks.
5th October 1942
Intelligence -12 Sec 2 AIC reported AINARO clear of JAPS. They moved out at 0100 hrs 4th October. 6 Sec reported JAPS still in MAUBISSE but apparently not in large numbers. 700 plus 200 horses having departed in direction of DILI at 0700 hrs 5th October. Engineer Sec 4 AIC reported only 50 JAPS in AILEU. 4 Sec reported all quiet Laclubar area.
Operational – Engineer Sec 4 AIC has ambush set on road MAUBISSE to AILEU. 6 Sec and Engineer Sec 4 AIC instructed to take offensive action on JAPS still remaining in their area. 5 Sec moving to vicinity HERA to establish OP over DILI. In respect to communications FORCE HQ request every effort be made to operate AUSPLAY code Pl to Coy.
6th October 1942
Operational – B Pl reports that on 5th October Engineers Sec were forced to withdraw ambush position MAUBISSE-AILEU road by Jap party moving to their rear. OP on DILI, with wireless communication, A PI HQ established.
Intelligence – OP on DILI reports 8 planes on drome – no shipping activity.
Administration – Cpl Wilkins left COY HQ with Timors and 53 horses for ALAS (hired); Sgt Cuffe and Pte Irwin returned from ALAS; Capt Garvey, Sgt Leech now at Fatu Cuac; Pte Townrow returned HQ.
7th October 1942
Operational – Special Operational code sent to OP on DILI. At 1400 hrs 0C B PI returned with ambush party to Nova Caminha (08472547). No 6 Sec reports entering MAUBISSE 6 October and finding no JAPS. Tentative arrangements for redistribution of Coys as under advised Pls:
C Pl 4 AIC based on AINARO, A Pl 2 AIC on SAME, with combined HQ at Hatu Udo.
C PI 2 AIC based Fatu Cuac, D Pl 2 AIC on AITUTO (0856-2536), B Pls both Coys to remain Nova Caminha; A Pl 4 AIC in HATOLIA, LETE-FOHO and BAZAR-TETE (0842-2536)areas.
Intelligence – Cpt Crosbie, representing CSO NT FORCE conducting signal experiments to contact DARWIN at COY HQ.
17 trucks left DILI by west road 1300 hrs 6th October returning 1430 hrs same day – contents unknown. 4 fighters 1 bomber on drome. Light rain at COY HQ late afternoon – low cloud.
Administration – Lieut-Col Spence left for HQ SPARROW FORCE; CSM to B PI HQ thence to OP on DILI with operational code; Major WALKER, Cpl Brice left for SAME to RV with OC A Pl 4 AIC at 1200 hrs 9th October. Cpl Paton in to COY HQ with rations from TUTULORO dump.
8th October 1942
Report received from Capt O’Connor re attempted ambush on JAPS – see attached.
Administration – reported in to COY HQ – Sgt Scott from Engineering Sec bringing report mentioned above. Cpl Wilkins, Pte Burden with large pack train from ALAS with rations.
9th October 1942
Operational – HQ SPARROW FORCE advise RAP now at point between Nova Anadia (0857-2552) and Soibada (0852-2557).
Intelligence – All Pls advised that PORTO half caste Artur Pinto, believed moving in the vicinity Nova Anadia, SAME and ALAS is Jap spy. To be shot on sight – also native chief, Carlos of ALAS.
Administration – Left COY HQ – Sgt Scott, Cpl Wilkins to Nova Caminha with stores for B PI. Pte Irwin and six native carriers to bring battery charger and stores. Pte Freemantle reported in from Nova Caminha.
10th October 1942
Operational – Received advice RAP returning ALAS 12 October. Special request from DARWIN for reports on enemy air activity on South Coast.
Intelligence – Unconfirmed reports that there are 3000-4000 JAPS in DILI. OP reports 4 planes on drome, all quiet; they are now reporting hourly to COY HQ by W/T; 2 vessels off Laga (08282636), 1 off Lautem (08222655) on night 4-5 October.
Capt Crosbie advised DARWIN that alternative link Coy-NORFORCE now possible if desired.
Administration – Left Coy – Sgt Cuffe, Pte Burden to RAP, where Cuffe is to remain. Capt Crosbie, Sgt Hopper to Fatu Maquerec thence Remexio OP. Pte Freemantle, Sig Atkins for Fai Nia to pick up hired train thence Fatu Cuac for stores. Pte Irwin returned with battery charger and stores. Advice from A Pl Pte Holden apparently accidentally shot.
11th October 1942
Intelligence – OP DILI reports hits not observed during raid by 3 bombers 10 October 1942 but activity repairing runway suggests two hits there. Jap fighter cruising east along south coast 0850 hrs today wheels down. Reliable PORTO says JAPS digging defensive positions in foothills around AILEU.
Administration – In to COY HQ – Cpl Wilkins from Fatu Maquerec.
12th October 1942
Operational – It is anticipated that the road between HERA (08332542) Vila de MANATUTO (08312601) will be blown on night 14-15 October. Possibility of violent Jap reactions foreseen. C Pl 2 AIC moving, should be in position by evening 13th October.
Intelligence – 2 planes reported on DILI drome. Aircraft with engine apparently functioning irregularly, heard by COY HQ 1800 hrs approx. moving in direction DILI. Aircraft again heard about 2100 hrs moving in same direction.
Reports that JAPS in DILI appear to be preparing for sortie in direction of BAUCAU (08282627). Report that no JAPS at present in MAUBISSE. Request from SPARROW FORCE that daily meteorological reports be supplied by DILI OP.
Administration – Out from COY HQ – Cpl Paton to Fatu Maquerec. Sgt Brodie to SAME, Capt Garvey, Pte Townrow in from SAME.
13th October 1942
Operational – A Pl 2 AIC establishing HQ at SAME; C Pl 4 AIC ditto at AINARO. FORCE advised that report to us states 500 JAPS in AILEU, town is a good bombing target and is apparently a centre of hostile natives and Chinese.
A signaller of A Pl 2 AIC is moving with AUSPLAY cipher to HQ C Pl 4 AIC for immediate use. C Pl 4 AIC and A Pl 2 AIC allotted frequency 4400 kilocycles for intercommunication.
Intelligence – Weather report DILI passed to FORCE. Pronounced air activity along southern coast.
Administration – Out from COY HQ – Cpl Wilkins, Ptes Irwin, Townrow transferred to C Pl strength. ln Ptes Freemantle, Atkins from Fatacuac. Pte Burden from Nova Anadia.
14th October 1942
Operational – 6 Sec 4 AIC set ambush on AILEU-MAUBISSE road 13th anticipating enemy movement but no troops appeared. ALAS bombed and machined gunned 13th. RAP consequently will remain at former position between Soibada and Nova Anadia. DUTCH have left AINARO HQ now at CASSA (native name – Leas) (25330909) expected they will begin W/T communication with C Pl by 14th.
Intelligence – Native police report heavy fighting between DUTCH and PORTO natives at Mape (09052526), Lolotoi (09092518), BECO, and presence of JAPS from Suai in BECO (09152525). Sec near BECO investigating. Report from C de P ATSABE that Captain Ferriera and six PORTO soldiers killed at AILEU by JAPS on 2nd October.
Increased air activity; Jap air recce of south coast continues.
15th October 1942
Operational – Hasty withdrawal of 6 Sec B Pl from position on track between ALAS and MAUBISSE. Hostile natives scouts approached our flank. Major WALKER and advance party A PI moving from ATSABE to Katrat (08542527) today. Movement of balance PI delayed by lack of transport but expected to be concentrated LETE-FOHO (08502525) – NOVA OBIDOS 16th.
C Pl moving to AINARO. No news of road blowing by Engineers between DILI-MANATUTO.
Intelligence – DILI bombed by single aircraft 0610 hrs and 0720 hrs and by 2 planes approx. 1300 hrs. 4 planes on drome and MT activity there. 6 trucks with troops to DILI from HERA reported 1120 hrs. 2 small launches entered harbour.
AILEU bombed approximately 1300 hrs by 2 planes. 200 JAPS entered MAUBISSE 1500 14th. 60 JAPS moved south into riverbed from HERA 1330 hrs. JAPS have ordered concentration of PORTOS at LIQUIÇA (08352519). Native rumours JAPS intend moving into HATU-BUILICO tonight (08542531-VIRIATO). PORTOS expect JAPS move east. Single engine plane over SAME 0810 hrs. B PI HQ 2 AIC near MINDELO (08542542).
Administration – Pls advised Capt Haigh being evacuated.
16th October 1942
Operational – COY HQ advised that road between MANATUTO-HERA blown as planned. Delay in advice due to W/T breakdown.
Remexio (08352430) machine gunned indicating our presence thereabouts is known, but no exact location. 1 Sec remaining NOVA OBIDOS (08502525), 3 Sec moving to HATOLIA remainder Pl establishing HQ in direction DUCRY (DU-CRAI), south west of NOVA OBIDOS.
Intelligence – JAPS apparently ‘landing-conscious’ therefore suggested postponement of vessel calling, instead essentials to be dropped at SAME.
DILI 0505 hrs 5 fighters on drome one heading east; 2 small launches in harbour. 2 parties of 100 JAPS each moved east early morning. 12 bombs dropped by 8 Zeros 2 miles south of HERA, all over half a mile from OP. Planes also gunned in direction of KORAMORI (?). 5 or 6 trucks reported on mountainside HERA-DILI road. PORTO rumour JAPS at METINARO east of DILI (08322541) and BECO (09152525). Much movement in MAUBISSE – 200 in area. OP there reports two patrols each of 50 JAPS and armed natives wearing shorts and shirts moving towards SAME SADDLE (08562737). C Pl 2 AIC moving forward today.
PORTOS – Governor has ordered all PORTOS and soldiers at BOBONARO to LIQUIÇA (08352529) PORTOS have left. 80 soldiers moved through ROTAI to NOVA OBIDOS (08502525).
Natives – Report received that Natives are burning extensively in MAUBISSE-AITUTO areas (from D Pl 2 AIC). Natives Southern army moving up to contact rebels. B Pl 2 AIC expected to be out of C PI 2 AIC area by 1000 hrs today. C Pl 2 AIC now MINDELO. Numerous personnel 2 AIC suffering recurrence of malaria.
Administration – All Pls ordered to have ready train of 20 horses and escort in event of vessel calling. DUTCH also warned.
17th October 1942
Operational – 7 Sec now covering road junction 09252526; 8 Sec expected to be at Nunamogue (08582533), HATU-BUILICO 18th; each establishing posts. Sub-sec 9 Sec at CASSA with DUTCH, remainder C Pl at HATU-UDU. C Pl ordered to send patrol from AINARO to HATU-BUILICO.
Intelligence – DILI: no shipping for considerable time – supplies possibly low. Smoke obliterated harbour and drome possible attempt to cover shipping? RAAF over 1730 hrs 16 October but target obliterated so bombed MANATUTO starting fires. Areas containing our OP bombed and machine gunned but OP still operating. Believed 200 JAPS in HERA – considerable troop movement and continual interest in OP area. 3 parties, 200 in all moved towards MINDELO; C Pl 2 AIC attempted ambush but Jap circling forced withdrawal.
PORTO rumour JAPS in RAILACO (09412525) with many natives.
MAUBISSE – much enemy patrol activity. 60 JAPS on mess parade, possibly 100 in town. Our OP forced out to new position. Mortar bombs heard in direction of new position, but no news yet.
AILEU OP driven out but returned. BOBONARO entered by JAPS 1500 hrs 16th and asked Mape by phone for news of Aust and DUTCH troops. Native report that JAPS in HATU-BUILICO – patrol investigating.
SAME bombed by three Jap planes 0545 hrs, 6-8 sticks but no casualties, but direct hit Posto.
Hatu Udo and BETANO (09092544) believed bombed 0600 hrs 17th, now confirmed. PORTO forces reluctant to concentrate as ordered – cavalry in LETE-FOHO, infantry with 2 Vickers HATU-BUILICO.
PORTO Lieut at MAUBISSE taken to hills with equipment. Krupps, C de P remained at ATSABE and has stirred up natives to fight native rebels, 65 killed in battle. He gave loyal chiefs at BOBONARO a ‘pep talk’ and is most anxious to have Aust troops in area. AITUTO natives and JAPS in TUTULORO.
C Pl 2 AIC ambush east of MAUBISSE but Jap patrols turned back before reaching spot. A Pl 2 AIC recce their area in readiness possible dropping of essentials. COY HQ no communication with C Pl 2 AIC since 1030 17th. Food very difficult to obtain in forward areas due to Jap influence and native population being unsettled.
Administration – Major CALLINAN, Pte MCCABE left for FORCE HQ. Lieut HAMMOND in to COY HQ. Capt CROSBIE continuing with signals work, now at FORCE HQ. Small launch out of DILI at 1715 hrs traveling north.
18th October 1942
Operational – HQ 3 Sec at TALO (08482824). Major WALKER at ERMERA (08452524) with 1 Section A Pl. This Section moved into AI-FU and FUNILALO same day.
Intelligence – FORCE advised bombing targets in DILI. No JAPS in BECO.
MAUBISSE – 200 in town but patrols not venturing far out – constructing defences.
TURISCAI bombed by 3 JAPS 1100 hrs – approx. 7 sticks some failed to explode.
Major CALLINAN moving to see C de Poste, ATSABE, KRUPP and to endeavour to get natives and PORTOS to act with us – possible in view of concentration order. A PI 2 AIC doubt plan, considering PORTOS untrustworthy and or afraid of repercussions while we are the weaker force. D Pl also see complications. PORTOS said to be returning from LIQUIÇA to HATOLIA 17th. PORTO rumour JAPS moved from RAILACO to BAZAR-TETE.
SAME Chinese considered by PORTOS to be spies. BETANO circled by plane 0945 hrs which later patrolled coast —all out to sea.
PORTOS believe MANATUTO bombing 16th to be by JAPS; not enlightened.
D Pl 2 AIC consider Jap knowledge of our ambush tactics best met by scattered sniping. One Sec A Pl 2 AIC and 10 sec 2 AIC believed withdrawn to approx. (08532537). A Sec of A Pl and D Pl 2 AIC in sniping position on SAME SADDLE.
Administration – Pack train to be at BETANO 22nd 0500 hrs party to be ready to travel at night. Lt PULVER at HATU-UDU – bad feet. A Pl advised of cyphering of communications unsatisfactorily.
19th October 1942
Operational – C Pl 4 AIC advised to take offensive action if in position, also other secs if similar position. C Pl patrol 18th to MAUBISSE SADDLE contacted no troops in AITUTO area.
Intelligence – DILI – Medium merchant ship entered harbour 0647 hrs. 7 fighters on drome. 1 lugger entered harbour from the North. Barge unloading cargo 200 yards west of jetty – nature unknown. 12 trucks of JAPS moved East
Our OP being surrounded, and last advice were moving for Fauclaum (?). 18 JAPS 19 armed natives arrived HATU-BUILICO from MAUBISSE, burned huts and moved back along track to MAUBISSE. C Pl endeavouring to re-establish MAUBISSE OP. Fighting patrols out but cannot maintain positions further forward owing to food shortage. Hostile natives, JAPS in Mape 0700 hrs approx. 70. Contacted by DUTCH. Native rumour that they are moving to ATSABE. D Pl 2 AIC at HQ C Pl 4 AIC.
Believed PORTOS in BAUCAU (08282627) intend moving OSSU RUA (08452624) if JAPS go to former spot. C de P AINARO and HATU-UDU intend disobeying LIQUIÇA order and going instead to VIQUEQUE (08522622).
C and D Pls advised early offensive action wanted in MAUBISSE area and to plan accordingly.
Present dispositions – 9 Sec 2 AIC (08502555); 8 Sec 2 AIC (08522542); HQ C Pl 2 AIC (08532542).
Administration – Arrangement for visit by ship on 22nd – pack trains unloading, etc. proceeded with. Pls advised that it is essential and urgent that additional personnel be trained in cypher work.
20th October 1942
Operational – B Pl suggest new camp at PUNAR (08442550). DUTCH patrol and sub-section C PL 4 AIC fought hostile natives in BECO. Natives driven back without ALLIED casualties. Intelligence – DILI ship still there of 0530 hrs. 12 trucks carrying troops out towards HERA 0545 hrs. JAPS reported bombed LURO (083322651) and LORE (08392701) but message unsatisfactory and not certainly correct.
Considerable confusion and doubt regarding situation in HATU-BUILICO (VIRIATA) JAP strength in BOBONARO 3/400. Report that 70 JAPS in MAUBISSE. Native rumour 1600 hrs that they had returned to AILEU and appeared to be recruiting in the area, also that they were going to TURISCAI and MINDELO. MAPE burned by JAPS 1800 hrs 19th, they left in direction of ATSABE.
Disposition of D Pl 2 AIC: 1 Sec at 29308571, with a sub section north over COMORO RIVER. 1 Sec at 25350852 and 1 Sec at 25340868. HQ 25360900.
Administration – B and C Pls now using AUSPLAY cypher; A Pl expected to be using tomorrow.
21st October 1942
Operational – Fighting patrol from HQ moved 1700 hrs to junction NOVA CAMINHA and FAI-NIA tracks following report of JAPS in TURISCAI. Major WALKER at KATRIE (08542526). Cpl KELAHER and C PL patrol unable locate junction at ATSABE-BOBONARO roads – awaiting orders. 2 Sec A Pl 4 AIC moving up towards VIRIATA (HATU-BUILICO) 1158 hrs.
Lt DOWER and Sec B PL from OP DILI safe and now at FAC-LAU ([?])hoping to move back shortly.
Intelligence – DILI nil. Three allied planes travelled north over SAME 0500 hrs and explosions heard towards MAUBISSE. Planes returned 0530 hrs. 8 sec 2 AIC heard heavy firing direction of TURISCAI but no details to hand. JAPS and natives armed went to TURISCAI 21st October from AILEU. 8 Pl of 2 AIC moved in to an ambush position but JAPS returned towards MAUBISSE. MAUBISSE OP party thought to be safe and OP on TURISCAI is being maintained. There are no enemy east of MAPE or south of MAUBISSE according to one report.
Parties from D PL 2 AIC and A PL 4 AIC are investigating a native report of JAPS in VIRIATA. Native rumour that they intend collecting TIMORS and sending them away. Shots heard in vicinity of AITUTO night 20/21 and also this morning by 3 men of a Sec of D Pl 2 AIC; whereabouts of remainder of this section are not know; another Sec of D Pl are investigating.
Natives in AINARO reported to be very hostile to JAPS since killing of 2 priests have been organised by the King and appear to have possibilities for us if a nucleus of PORTOS and armed natives could be had. Suggestion that small JAP parties may be food scouts.
South coast patrolled 0745 hrs by ‘usual plane’.
Administration – FORCE keeping hourly listening watch between 0600-2230 hrs in addition to usual schedules. Insufficient natives available for man loads anticipated by tomorrow’s ship and some at least may have to be left in landing area temporarily.
22nd October 1942
Operational – B Pl instructed to take action against JAPS in AINARO also to harass any move in direction HATU-UDU. D Pl 2 AIC acting on AINARO-MAUBISSE track. 1 Sec 4 AIC patrolling area FUNILALA (08442523).
Intelligence – Believed there is a daily truck run between DILI and BAZAR-TETE. C de P LACLO reports that 7 trucks that left DILI on 20th visited and inspected road blowing. Natives sympathy in BAZAR-TETE is believed to be divided but CHINESE are pro-JAP. MINDELO OP heard firing approx. 1200 hrs in direction TURISCAI.
2 JAPS and 18 armed natives entered TURISCAI 1100hrs burned native huts and left immediately towards MAUBISSE. JAPS reported in AINARO 0100 hrs from MAUBISSE. Enemy aircraft active in this area but OP in town is being continued from the hills. MAPE believed clear of the enemy. BETANO plane heard at approx. 1000 hrs and 1020 hrs but not seen. DUTCH received bung information that 2 ships landed JAPS at BATUGADE (08572458). Rumour that JAPS at junction of MOLAR RIVER and MAPE-AINARO track being investigated by JAPS. Clash at LIQUIÇA appears imminent.
Six PORTOS in TALO district including C de Poste HATOLIA are concerned at the killing of PORTOS by JAPS. They allege 25 to date request PORTUGAL be advised of violation of neutrality rights and wish to be evacuated to AUSTRALIA. Willing to join us if woman and children are evacuated; judged sincere by our men.
23rd October 1942
Operational – Recce party out from Lt DOWER’S sec. from DILI OP. Major WALKER reported moving to AINARO (town is supposedly in JAP hands). All platoons ordered to take vigorous offensive action when and wherever possible in view of recent comparatively free movement of JAP parties around the island. Feared that prestige may otherwise be lost.
Intelligence – NORFORCE DARWIN again advise that a prisoner is urgently required. C de Poste REMEXIO reports that a ship fitted with search lights was seen off DILI moving west on 21/22 October, also that there were some 600 JAPS and natives in the area when our OP was finally withdrawn. It was not yet been re-established. B Pl 2 AIC is providing fighting patrols in AILEU area. JAPS still in BOBONARO.
MAUBISSE – 12 Sec 2 AIC attacked JAP sympathising natives at 08522535 on MAUBISSE-AINARO track – now reorganising near 10 Sec at 08572539. C PI 2 AIC will attack MAUBISSE as early as can be arranged. D Pl will deal with enemy retreat via NUNAMOGUE (08582533) and C Pl 4 AIC with any move towards HATU-UDU (NOVA LUCA) (08182536). No JAPS east of MAUBISSE.
AINARO – 11 Sect 2 AIC moved to AINARO SADDLE. JAPS reported to be in AINARO at 0100 hrs from MAUBISSE, mostly armed natives. Tracks out in all directions were under observation by 0500 hrs but no movement seen. C PI 4 AIC reports that JAPS left the town 0300 hrs. There were none in town at 1650 hrs. JAP aircraft in area.
NUNAMOGUE – No moves seen-natives report that JAPS and the NATIVES (comprising the main part of the body) went to the hills in the direction of MAUBISSE. Another report states they left for SAME via the SAME SADDLE.
MAPE – No JAPS in the area.
SAME – Light JAP bomber over to the west travelling south 0600 hrs. South coast patrolled west to east 1050 hrs. If JAPS push through to SAME A Pl 2 AIC intend moving west into hills and harassing from there.
BAUCAU – unconfirmed reports that 6 JAP motor boats went there within last three days, no details obtainable.
Administration – ship in at 1900 hrs and left 2100 hrs landing of stores achieved without interruption. Mail sent ALAS. Stores dispersed along FATU-CUAC-ALAS track. DUTCH stores handed over on beach.
24th October 1942
Operational – Movements as detailed 2nd continuing.
Intelligence – A PI report large party of JAPS and armed NATIVES moving to LETE-FOHO from direction BOBONARO. OPs are now established on all tracks in their area.
BOBONARO – DUTCH state 1000 JAPS and NATIVES in occupation. FORCE requested confirmation, also for bombing targets.
TURISCAI – A Sec of 2 AIC should be here by 1600 hrs today.
MINDELO – Now HQ of C Pl 2 AIC.
MAUBISSE – raided by 2 AIC troops 1900 hrs 23rd. No JAPS there but number of NATIVES killed and remainder scattered. One captured – his information being verified.
D PI 2 AIC finding food supply at AITUTO suddenly almost ceased due to natives being frightened. FAI-NIA now source of supply. Platoon absolutely exhausted due to constant movement and consequent to lack of sleep. Cannot be at MAUBISSE before 2359 hrs, 25th October.
12 sec D PI CO and 2 men found 120 NATIVES at his HQ – some shooting. Returned again next day and met with ‘sticks, stones, spears and arrows’. 10 killed before natives ran.
AITUTO – Report states JAPS still there night 23/24 October. 12 Sec 2 AIC at (08572540). SAME track open.
Usually authoritative source has indicated to FORCE that JAPS plan 3 drives:
1. To south coast to LUCA (LECO ? 08460635).
2. Through centre to coast.
3. A long North coast to LAUTEM (08222655).
Suspected that JAPS are spreading misleading rumours among native population. Sections warned of this and asked to endeavour to verify information whenever possible.
Administration – Official and private mail received at COY HQ. Major WALKER now moving south of ATSABE. Coy S/Major arrived at C Pl 1500 hrs.
25th October 1942
Operational – B Pls each COY instructed to endeavour to blow road again and harass JAPS to utmost in their repair efforts.
Following set up to operate immediately:
A Pl 2 AIC to oppose any enemy move from MAUBISSE by direct track to SAME;
B Pls each Coy to maintain offensive patrols against enemy in AILEU area;
C PI 2 AIC to maintain offensive action against enemy in MAUBISSE from east and north;
D Pl 2 AIC to oppose enemy moves towards NUNAMOGUE from HATU-BUILICO (VIRIATA) and MAUBISSE and maintain section to operate in MAUBISSE from south and west.
Secs of C and D Pls 2 AIC near MAUBISSE to establish contact with each other.
Intelligence – LETE-FOHO and DU-CRAI – oomahs (native houses) burned by JAPS 24th; they left approx. 1400 hrs in direction AILEU.
SUBOA – (not mapped) 6 Sec 4 AIC report 7 trucks 100 JAPS here 1015 hrs 23rd evidently to repair road.
ATSABE – believed clear of JAPS.
Dispositions – C Pl 4 AIC – sub sec of 9 Sec at Leos (23330909) other sub-sec and HQ east AINARO; 7 section road track junction AINARO-VIRIATO, SE ATSABE. Sec 8 VIRIATO and NUNAMOGUE (08582533).
A Pl 4 AIC – 2 Sec near DU-CRAI (not mapped), 1 Sect on FATA MESIN (08382522), 3 Sec near TALO with OP at ATOORA (108482522).
FORCE advise intention to create reserve store of rice at FAI-NIA (08552545).
26th October 1942
Operational – JAPS and natives moving along MAUBISSE-AINARO track engaged 1400 hrs by 8 Sec C Pl 4 AIC and D Pl 2 AIC near NUNAMOGUE inflicting many casualties.
5 Sec 4 AIC back at OP on DILI.
Intelligence – DILI OP operating again. Report that JAPS in MANATUTO 1540hrs and that one car load went onto BAUCAU.
BOBONARO – JAPS in occupation. PORTOS or CHINESE in town. Troops quartered in native huts out of immediate town areas. JAPS feasting-natives and spreading much propaganda.
MAUBISSE – Patrol C Pl 2 AIC yesterday encountered hostile natives east of MAUBISSE. 9 killed remainder dispersed. As C PI 4 AIC has 8 Sec in area HATU-BUILICO-NUNAMOGUE. A and C Pls 2 AIC are concentrating on enemy moves along direct route from MAUBISSE. NATIVE report that JAPS at ‘MAROBO’ [?] ([illegible] 08582521).
Aerial – Reported that 3 or 4 planes believed ALLIED moving towards DILI 0500 hrs. Usual JAP coastal patrol 0600 hrs. 2 bombers from SE heading NW 1730 hrs.
Administration – Frequent movement between Pls and HQ necessary to maintain communications gear – batteries, chargers, petrol, oil and batteries.
27th October 1942
Operational – B Pl planning attack with 2 Secs and further road block east of HERA. 1 Sec at (08382552) asked to act similarly if possible; also to consider ambush of transport on roads in use – suggested between LIQUIÇA and TIBAR.
Intelligence – Aerial -1 bomber landed DILI from west 1523 hrs and 1735 hrs. 2 bombers over A Pl area returned and flew east, south of DILI. Apparently daily planes run between DILI-KOEPANG leaving AM returning PM. C Pl 2 AIC reports 3 unidentified going north 1730 hrs returned south 1750 hrs.
DILI -100 JAPS repairing road block, sleeping on site, with mortars and field gun. 2 truckloads of JAPS in from HERA 0950, back HERA 1010. 1000 hrs 9 trucks of JAPS out towards AIPELO. 1015 hrs 15 trucks and 1 staff car back to DILI.
LIQUIÇA – Chinese in town leaving for BAZAR-TETE. Considerable movement amongst Chinese everywhere.
MAUBISSE – suggested to C Pl 2 AIC by Coy that huts be burned to prevent future use by enemy.
C PI reports friendly NATIVES in their area are moving out to attack hostile natives. Efforts at organising resistance in ATSABE, HATOLIA and LETE-FOHO areas under our direction progressing favourably.
Conference has been held in DILI between JAPS and PORTO ADMINISTRATOR re PORTO-JAP relations. JAPS say they are unable to protect PORTOS from natives unless PORTOS are represented [?] in one or two towns; housing discussed.
JAP ARMY at DILI is understood to include a CHINESE in rank of CAPTAIN.
28th October 1942
Operational – Seven men of 8 Sec 4 AIC plus 100 natives attacked JAP sympathising natives in vicinity NUNAMOGUE killing 50. Section expects further early action. Strong support from Coys plus natives and several PORTOS moving up to support them.
Intelligence – Natives in area as mentioned above very pleased at action taken DILI – 4 fighters circling drome 0730 hrs. Small sloop entered from west 0828 hrs, left to west 1500. Lugger off shore; vessel approx. 1500 tons similar to tanker entered at low tide – now at wharf.
AILEU – Sec 2 AIC at LIAHE intends intercepting 200 JAPS reported moving AILEU-MANATUTO via TUR LAG. 12 trucks 100 foot troops arrived MANATUTO 1000 hrs; approx. 100 moved out to LACLO (08342554). 15 Jap trucks reported moving toward BAUCAU 1320 hrs (08572627).
Successful influencing of PORTOS appears dependent on rapid supply of arms, as JAPS are pressing them re concentration at LIQUIÇA.
Urgent need of JAP prisoner again stressed to all Pls. Aircraft movements heard but information vague.
29th October 1942
0perational – 6 Sec 4 AIC ambushed JAPS returning MANATUTO from LACLO 0630 hrs 28th – claim 45.
4 Sec claim 12 as a result of ambush in their area. Engineer Sec blew road from CRIBAS last night. Enemy is apparently attempting to drive B Pl 2 AIC from their present position; Pl has been ordered to harass them and remain there as long as humanly possible.
5 Sec in charge of Lt DOWER has shown remarkable persistence in returning to their old OP position on DILI which was only vacated after considerable enemy action including aerial bombing, following their being located.
Intelligence – DILI – Oomahs(native huts) burning at approx. 25420835 and NOVA PORTAL (25470841). 100 JAPS moving towards REMEXIO from KYMOUK [?]. Believed 200 JAPS moving AILEU-MANATUTO via TURISCAI.
MAUBISSE – C Pl 2 AIC raided on 28th killing 20 natives, some armed with pistol guns.
SAME – Disposition of A Pl 2 AIC: Sub Secs at 08572539, 08562539 and 08572540; remainder Pl at SAME. General movement backward by enemy towards DILI, burning oomahs en route, PORTOS in some areas apparently panic stricken by the dilemma in which they are placed. Major CALLINAN considers urgent action would obtain resistance in ATSABE, HATOLIA and LETE-FOHO possibly spreading to CALICO (08552518) and BALIBO.
PORTOS ‘Now acting as European individuals not wishing to be murdered by JAP-incited natives’. Urges immediate bombing BOBONARO.
FORCE suggests sloop from DILI may go to south coast making 3rd drive against us.
Administration – Decided to create two hospitals – one east of AILALEC (08542547) and one on west of SAME – exact location to be decided later.
30th October 1942
Operational – 8 Sec 4 AIC in charge of W/O MARSHALL have done particularly good work, engaging in continual aggressive action which has accounted for over 100 JAP Influenced natives. 6 Sec 0/C Lt FLEMING has again been to the fore with many attacks; as has 4 Sect under Lt HART.
DILI – bombed by us 0053 hrs, 0325 hrs, 0420 hrs; ship still in harbour, apparently undamaged. No bombing damage visible from OP. Heavy rain 1400 hrs.
LACLAU – 5 bombs dropped 1330 hrs. There was a great deal of aircraft over the entire area from midnight till dawn afterwards gradually easing off to normal about 1700 hrs.
TURISCAI – 0615 hrs reported that three small bombs dropped 0615 hrs only 2 exploding.
LACLUBAR – bombed twice by JAPS during the day.
MAUBISSE – OP from north now operating. 100 JAPS, 300 natives and some DUTCH soldiers in town. JAP HQ building located. C Pl 4 AIC reports that only very few JAPS are present with each party of hostile natives.
MAPE – 50 JAPS and armed natives arrived 1600 hrs 29th.
BOBONARO – 40 JAPS plus natives left towards BECO (09152323) on 29th.
ATSABE – JAPS arrived 0500 hrs 30. 9 Sec 2 AIC now at 08482537. Rumour of a movement by JAP parties by truck from DILI eastward. Much discussion and development of detail reorganisation of PORTO resistance. Believed many fit men are available if evacuation of their families could be arranged and international difficulties overcome.
31st October 1942
Operational – Sub sec 6 of 2 AIC under Cpl HAIRE ambushed enemy near FACLAU at 08382544 on 28th; range 200 – consider inflicted 25 casualties JAPS turned back before reaching a second ambush prepared for them.
DILI – Detailed description of bombing targets supplied by Chefe de Poste BAZAR-TETE. Destroyer and merchantman moving west off LIQUIÇA south ALOR IS 1430 hrs. Two ALLIED planes from south 1740 hrs, 2 explosions 1755 hrs; 2 planes heading south 1805 hrs.
REMEXIO – JAPS sleeping here night 29th/30th.
BAUCAU – 3 trucks of JAPS reported; believed 100 in town. Similar number believed in LAUTEM.
SUBAO – OP reports large number of JAPS repairing roads blown-at present temporarily bridged.
MANATUTO – reported clear by NATIVES.
BOBONARO – early bombing again requested by our men in the area. DARWIN promises same in message received. JAP propaganda includes promise of free education for NATIVE CHILDREN.
MAUBISSE – usual activity; 10 JAPS 90 NATIVES moving towards AITUTU – food party? Raid and burning by our men expected tonight.
MAPE – bomb dropped and town MGed 1000 hrs. Definite refugee movement now apparent among PORTOS. A Pl 4 AIC reports 16 men 17 women 50 children with them will be moved at earliest opportunity. JAP propaganda considered by Major CALLINAN to be spreading alarmingly, also areas of hostile NATIVES. He states opinion as ‘situation very serious’.
1st November 1942
Overview. NX77951 Pte WILLIAMS O.R. reported killed in action near LACLO on 28th October; JAPS removed his gun and personal gear from his body. (1)
Special bomber squadron allotted this sphere of activities by DARWIN.
DILI – Bombed 1730 hrs 31st October. First attack all bombs on town. Second, majority in harbour off point, but lighthouse emitting smoke immediately after. (2) Fires started; heavy explosions during night and later a vivid flash was followed by explosion described by OP as terrific. 1 Sec A Pl reported 60 bombs in all.
PORTOS leaving A Pl 4 AIC area for AINARO 2nd November.
MAUBISSE – Our OP driven out 1500 hrs 31st October. 9 Sec concentrated at C Pl HQ. 8 Sec reports position at HATU-BUILICO (VIRIATA) 02542531 established. Section covering HATU-BUILICO and NUNAMOGUE. NATIVE TIMORS at ATSABE have been ordered by JAPS to go to BOBONARO – coercion? CHINESE ordered to remain. PORTO rumour of a vessel in BETANO BAY 1700 hrs 31st October. No report of this from FATU-CUAC.
Administration – Arrangements in hand for pack trains to be at BAMBOO CREEK (near BETANO) by 0500 hrs 5th November. Need for utmost secrecy of entire movement stressed to all concerned.
(1) Tommy gun removed from Pte O. WILLIAMS by natives was handed to C de P MANATUTO and later recovered by Lieut. FLEMING together with other equipment belonging to the deceased soldier.
(2) From my own direct observations of the lighthouse on 14th November. I was unable to see any evidence of damage thereto. [Signed E. McD. WALKER Major – 26th November 1942].
2nd November 1942
DILI – 0800 hrs 9 ALLIED planes bombed town from 4000 to 5000 feet; opposition 3 fighters. 0930 hrs 2 fighters landed and another took off. Our planes left intact and flew off in SE direction, no damage visible. Majority of bombs in east of town.
4 unidentified heavy bombers moving west over AINARO.
LIQUIÇA – 10 Jap trucks heavily loaded with personnel moved out 0925 hrs. Considerable movement in area.
AILEU – Native captive from town states 600 JAPS here. Also a 100 JAPS and natives towards LETE-FOHO area.
MAUBISSE – 9 Sect 2 AIC report 90 JAPS occupy good OP here; also estimate 100 JAPS and 400 natives there. JAPS training natives in squad drill and mortar instruction; natives in shorts and shirts and green uniforms.
BOBONARO – Bombed approx. 0715 hrs. 3 sticks of bombs and fires started.
NOVA OUREM (ATSABE) – All JAPS departed – destination unknown.
VIRIATA (HATU-BUILICO) – 40 men from D Pl 2 AIC arrived here 15th November having burnt oomahs in Kuromnon [?] area; OP covering all tracks.
NOVA CAMINHA (FATU-MAQUEREC) 6 Section 2 AIC reports food position for natives and soldiers almost impossible. B Pl HQ 2 AIC attempting to supply them. B Pl 2 AIC reports condition of men means first class due to feeling of staleness [?], malaria and diet lacking balance. 10 and 12 Secs 2 AIC operating between HATU-BUILICO and Map Ref 08532536; reports state AITUTU-HBC-MBS hostile and foodless area; movement of Australians and good natives in area causing migration to MAUBISSE. 11 Sec 2 AIC returned from HBC area; possibility of OP on MAUBISSE.
3rd November 1942
Operational – C Pl 2 AIC endeavouring to OP MAUBISSE.
Intelligence – Great deal of aerial activity by ALLIED planes with proportionate rise in morale of personnel, most noticeable. In all 5 groups of bombers were over between 2330 hrs yesterday and 0900 hrs today. At 0905 hrs Boston type bombers were over DILI. Eight passed COY HQ on return trip at approx. 0930 hrs with another lagging and three Jap fighters in pursuit. MG fire heard. Our Signals picked up the aircraft and heard that on the last had been hit and one engine disabled. Commander of plane jettisoned ammo and he ‘thought he could make it’. Pilot’s name HITCHCOCK. All bombs believed to have fallen in town area along the buildings on the waterfront; largest church among those hit. (1). This appeared to have been used by JAPS as a store or barracks. 4 fighters reported to have taken off but only 3 reported as landing.
LACLO – B Pl found unexploded cardboard bomb containing H.E. as well as they can determine.
BOBONARO – JAPS returned here from ATSABE 31st. Pack train of 300 horses reported to be moving to ATSABE from BOBONARO 1020 hrs 3rd November.
MAUBISSE – OP useless after 1100 hrs and extremely difficult to maintain.
DILI – Very heavy MT traffic along LIQUIÇA road to low hills west of town.
AITUTU – 11 Sec 2 AIC at this town will be joined by 10 Sec 5th November. Sec 12 remaining at KABLAK SADDLE. Native snipers active in the area making sleep or rest very difficult. Scarcity of food again mentioned in messages as a big factor hereabouts.
40 PORTOS and refugees with C Pl 4 AIC and 70 more expected. In response to enquiry CO’s of 2 AIC report generally that their men are now very much below their original standard in health becoming much more physically fatigued and quite unfit for the strenuous activity any prolonged push would entail.
Administration – Communication with A PI very unsatisfactory and causing concern.
4th November 1942
Sub Sec 8 Sec C Pl 4 AIC engaged party of natives and JAPS in HATU-BUILICO area ‘collecting a few’.. 0450 hrs ‘indiscriminate’ Allied bombing by twin tailed bombers. Bombs landed in valleys around B Pl 2 AIC HQ and TURISCAI. JAP planes returned MAUBISSE and AILEU shortly afterwards presumably to restore native morale. CHINESE are evacuating BOBONARO. Native rumour that JAP party is moving from AITUTU to NUNAMOGUE. HATU-UDO machine gunned by JAPS during the morning; also SAME. AILEU also bombed around 0800 hrs by AMERICAN planes.
Patrol 2 AIC had two clashes with hostile natives near MAUBISSE. No casualties among our men and a village was burnt by them as an example. HATU-BUILICO was completely burned by a party of JAPS and 400 natives. JAPS are now present in MAUBISSE, BOBONARO and AILEU. Natives generally are reported to be very much impressed by recent continued bombing by ALLIED planes.
Lt DOWER now at COY HQ en-route to hospital and probable evacuation for treatment to his ears.
(1) On 14 November I personally observed hit on church from OP approx. 1/3 of roof appeared to be blown away.
(2) Portion of cardboard bomb forwarded to FORCE HQ.
(3) Later this MT was confirmed to be removal of stores from DILI no doubt as a result of bombing.
(4) Essential these bombings continue for effect on native morale to be lasting.
Signed E. McD. WALKER Major – 26th November 1942.
5th November 1942
Aerial activity not so pronounced.
AINARIO – It is hoped to have 6 TSMGs and 3 Brens here by approx. 8th November for use by PORTOS.
At ATSABE JAPS gave local chief liquor and promised 30 patacas (local currency Australian equivalent 10/- shillings) monthly, asking that he take the other chiefs with him to BOBONARO. In this town direct hits were scored on barracks and administration house by our bombing on 8th November. It was again bombed at 0715 hrs today.
Natives at LACLO on the ATSABE-BOBONARO track are in the balance as regards loyalty to us. Hostile natives around the SAME SADDLE (0858557) were attacked by 50 loyal natives led by 2 men of 2 AIC in native dress. Yesterday 10 hostile natives were killed and the SADDLE is now occupied by friendly natives. A Pl 2 AIC endeavouring to raise 300 natives to go to the SADDLE. D Pl 2 AIC are experiencing continual sniping by local natives. RAP now at native village near little SAME refer (085442545) approx.
6th November 1942
Much aerial activity by JAPS. 12 planes took off from DILI this morning, 11 returned. Now believed supply ship from KOEPANG travels by night, hiding OECESSI and ATAPOPAE harbours by day. Usually reliable source states that DILI suffered very heavy damage in recent raids. CHINESE pack train movements suggest regular supplies to JAPS around BAZAR-TETE. DUTCH were attacked today by 200 JAPS and NATIVES at the track junction AINARO-MAPE-HATU-UDU. JAPS moving from BECO to MAPE. CHINESE are returning from BOBONARO to ATSABE after moving their belongings to the former. Detailed reports of bombing targets LIQUIÇA sent FORCE. Pl representatives concentrating at BAMBOO CREEK in readiness to move stores from expected ship.
During latter part of last week Nos 4 and 6 Secs of the Unit Had moved to attack a JAP party of approx. 200 repairing the road blown by the Engineer Sec near SUBAO. Before the secs were concentrated the work was completed and a JAP patrol moved from MANATUTU to LACLO then DILI seeking our patrols and burning villages to prevent our using them during the Wet season, and also to disorganize supplies.
Ambush positions were selected by these two Secs and were so successful that only 37 were reported to reach DILI, although villages were burned and supplies temporarily disorganized. Our only casualty was NX 77951 Pte WILLIAMS O.R.
OPs are operated by No 1 Sec from the BAZAR-TETE area and by No 4 Sec from REMEXIO area. As a result of observation, reports from PORTUGUESE and Natives, many targets around the DILI area are revealed, and to clear these up a bomber squadron has been at least temporarily allotted to this Island.
Nov 1 saw the commencement of the daily bombings with telling effect on DILI where damage was extremely heavy and caused JAPS to disperse troops and stores to AILEU and BOBONARO. MAUBISSE was also raided but not hit. The effect of these bombings apart from material damage was very much in our favour, causing PORTUGUESE and NATIVES particularly to help us quite openly. Together with raids by both Coys on JAPS and their natives our security will be enhanced, assuring continued help in the way of supplies labour and horses.
This week our supplies arrived from AUSTRALIA, and although all precautions were taken to maintain secrecy of routes and destination of horse trains the JAP was informed fortunately too late by the boat mistaking BECO for BETANO and was seen by the JAPS at BOBONARO. All supplies despatched to Pl areas.
JAPS and Natives continue to move through the areas BOBONARO to MAPE and ATSABE and MAUBISSE to AITUTU and surrounding country. The apparent object of these drives is to burn villages thus denying us their use, drive friendly natives from the farms to prevent us getting food and to recruit natives who are used to spring our ambushes by moving in front and to the flanks. Their training is continuing in BOBONARO and MAUBISSE in the use of small arms and mortars. To counter these moves we are employing natives with a few of our men to attack these JAP and NATIVE concentrations with good results. Natives move in front armed with spears bows and arrows with our men dressed as natives and carrying Tommy guns, behind them. JAPS apparently think it just a NATIVE force and are surprised when everything opens up at them.
We have tried to enlist PORTUGUESE into our Secs but their main objection is that their families are not secure; but could their evacuation to AUSTRALIA be effected they would be willing to take up arms against the JAPS, organize the natives, and thus give us greater security. This proposition has been put to AUSTRALIA. but no reply to, the meantime their families are being evacuated to ATSABE thence SAME thence ALAS or NOVA ANADIA. The PORTUGUESE recognize that they will all be killed ‘accidentally’ by JAPS or intentionally by hostile Natives should they continue to live in the interior without our help or move as ordered to LIQUICA.
Movement of ships is well observed from BAZAR-TETE OP and information as to time and direction ships moving from DILI is promptly notified to DARWIN.
7th November
Instructed by FORCE to take all precautions necessary to cover HATU-UDU area, and pointed out possible threat to BETANO. Arrangements made for surplus stores to be hidden in FATU-CUAC area after arrival of ship.
A Pl 4 Coy reports PORTO army at AI-FU; Pl has 2 Vickers guns and ammo at TALO. Aircraft active in their area. B Pl concerned at native suggestion that an ex-creado of one of their number (i.e. personal servant) is on way to DILI to disclose position of OP. C de P LACLUBAR requesting payment for cattle killed near SAME in AUGUST.
Shipping – OP DILI reports a tanker or merchant ship entered harbour 0600 – aerial patrols active.
DUTCH attacked by enemy East of MAPE and between MAPE and BECO on 6th and were forced back. Capt DEXTER of 2 Coy with several hundred Natives raided valley between SAME SADDLE and AITUTU. SAME boongs reoccupying huts as a result of our recent successes in that area against hostile natives. All ammo stolen from 2 Coy dump at HATU-BULICO.
Arms being issued to selected PORTOS only by C Pl 4 AIC.
8th November
1 Sec supplying excellent information re bombing targets in DILI area, also good information on more general Intelligence matters. 5 Sec reports destroyer and large merchantman West of OP at 1555.
Rumour that JAPS intend going to CASSA from BECO knowing DUTCH HQ to be in this area. then. Six to eight fighters on new drome and patrols active in the air over DILI. Food scarce in our B Pl area.
7 Sec has rumour of JAP reinforcements and AA guns going to BOBONARO from DUTCH TIMOR.
2 Coy had several encounters with hostile Natives around SAME SADDLE area during last day or two, and their men have burned about 150 native huts between the SADDLE and AITUTU. More trouble from that area expected.
9th November
PORTO priest MADEIRA reports rumour that Jap HQ has moved to AILEU. PORTOS at TALO state Lieut LIBERATOR has been 4 days in DILI. This officer was in charge of PORTO soldiers in BOBONARO area.
TALO conference informed PORTOS AUSTRALIA could not regard LIQUIÇA MAUBARA as neutral zones. Native rumour many JAPS at HERA but our OP has not sighted any movement.
ATSABE was entered by hostile natives from BOBONARO 0700 hrs.
Reliable report that DUTCH contacted JAPS near CASSA 1000 hrs; 1 DUTCHMAN severely wounded and 300 JAPS 250 Natives occupied township.
C Pl established OP at SUCU-RAI approx. 19032533; the Chefe SUCU-RAI is said to have 100 loyal natives in LEOS area. He says 100 JAPS and 100 natives in oomahs in the town. He is gathering all warriors in area and may use them if enemy move towards our C PI HQ to EAST of AINARO.
Later our 7 Sec attacked and routed hostile natives in ATSABE. A and C Pls have been instructed to endeavour to take combined offensive action against these natives. FORCE instructs C PI to harass JAPS on flank and CASSA-LEBOS front.
10th November
PORTO report that ship OECUSSI is ready to leave harbour at DILI at a moment’s notice. CASSA occupied by JAPS on 7th, main proportion of party being natives. All villages around the town burned. Believed JAPS are now moving towards HERA and that a JAP move to BAUCAU is expected shortly.
SUCU-RAI – JAPS have left LEOS after burning all native huts within hours radius. PORTOS army at AI-FU (08452522) but scattering.
C PI HQ now near HATU UDO, and one section WEST BE-LULIC River BECO covering track.
11th November 1942
DILI – the ship OECCUSSI now reported NOT in harbour; detailed information of bombing targets based on information supplied by SANTOS and MADEIRA GOMEZ coupled with our own observation, supplied to FORCE for area around COMORO (08372532).
400 BOBONARO natives entered ATSABE valley 1000 hrs 10th but were driven out by two PORTOS and natives.
Forward section of C PI 2 AIC in action west of MINDELO around 0600 hrs when they were surrounded and driven out of position. Simultaneously rear Sec engaged by a second party. Many casualties inflicted on enemy; position re town at present obscure.
JAPS in MAUBISSE – much movement in and around town early and late hours suggesting troops billeted out of town. HATU-UDO covered by DUTCH.
HQ Signal Sec experiencing continuous and heavy traffic due to stores movements and difficulty of communications generally. Major WALKER departed COY HQ to visit 8 PI area.
12th November
Fighting around MINDELO night of 11/12. MAUBISSE OP forced out night 11/12 and now on TURISCAI-AILEU track.
JAPS and a large party of Natives entered ATSABE from BOBONARO. Majority of oomahs in ATSABE valley now burned. Chefe at TUTULORO has many men who will fight with us if we supply rifles. Natives around MOLA RIVER all hostile.
13th November
2 small ships in DILI harbour; later left together westward. Later 2 ships off ATAURO ISLAND. Medium merchant ship off LOIS RIVER moving east 1730 hrs.
PORTO MADEIRA informs us that a wireless in MISSAO is working to Japan. A PI assisted by loyal natives attacks a Jap and Native party in ATSABE on 11th but ATSABE is now believed again in JAP hands; 20-30 JAPS moved out to GARRAI and another party similar composition to TATA. MINDELO quiet – enemy returned towards MAUBISSE. 4 AIC 8 Sec disinterred some bodies HATU-BUILICO; natives were buried in the nude but DUTCH Timors and the one JAP in betas (native woven mats). No equipment was unearthed.
14th November 1942
4 small merchants ships and 3 destroyers into DILI from west 1615. 2 vessels near SUAI steaming west 1500 hrs. MANATUTO bombed 1740 hrs on 13th by 4 L-Hudsons. JAPS arrived in town that afternoon but returned to SUBOA same day. Natives returned at night and murdered Administrator MANATUTO and C de Poste FATU-BERLIU.
JAPS reported in LIAS area. Large Jap party moved to HATOLIA 1415 hrs and ‘seems to be settling in’.
4 large and 3 small troop carrying landing craft laden with men reported moving under own power towards toward DILI. Seen 1300 hrs from the West of LIQUIÇA. Estimated carrying 700-800. CASSA attacked by JAPS and heavily machine gunned 0515 hrs 14th. No DUTCH troops. 160 JAPS and 70 natives left 0630 hrs towards RAI-MEAN. Newsreel cameraman left COY HQ to visit Pls in action in TURISCAI-MINDELO area. Major WALKER at OP with 4 Sect 1000 hrs – 1400 hrs. Earlier the OP had reported two 8 mph convoys (M.T.) totalling 34 vehicles as having moved from DILI through HERA eastwards.
The Eastern OP continued to function throughout the week and passed back the following information:
7th November – Tanker or merchant vessel in DILI
8th November – Destroyer and large merchantman to West OP
13th November – Two small ships in DILI.
The enemy continued with their very definite policy of stirring up the natives and destroying food and oomahs in areas likely to be used by ourselves. This was evidenced by the following pushes:
- Against DUTCH in CASSA-LEBOS area
- To ATSABE on days 9, 10, 12 November, the two first moves being by natives only were opposed by 7 Sec supported by PORTOS and loyal natives. The ATSABE VALLEY was ravaged by the enemy natives in there movement. On 12th November a determined move was made, the natives being supported by the JAPS, and ATSABE was occupied by the enemy.
- There was further evidence of the intention that BOBONARO would be used as a base for operations towards the East, in the in the rumour that troops therein were being reinforced and AA defence provided.
- Large parties of hostile natives led by a few JAPS moved from MAUBISSE to the MINDELO-TURISCAI areas on 11-12 November and continued their policy of destruction of food ravaging of crops and burning of oomahs. These movements were harassed by C Pl 2 AIC and many hostile natives were killed or wounded.
- General unrest amongst the natives continues in the AITUTO area.
- Troop movement in and around MAUBISSE continues confirming that this is an advanced base for any Southerly movement.
Rumours have come to hand that an Easterly move to BACAU can be anticipated.
B and C PI COs 4 AIC and C PI 2 AIC have selected the arming of selected natives to assist in fighting hostile natives armed and led by small parties of JAPS. Whilst the plan has possible advantages it has under currents of danger in that even apparently loyal natives may only remain loyal so long as we are able to show an offensive spirit and evidence of superiority.
15th November 1942
OP DILI reports landing craft in harbour 1450; medium merchantman close inshore other landing craft in vicinity large ship in bay of ALOR ISLAND. Visibility very poor and some doubt re reports, but 2 powered yachts and several destroyers. Report beyond doubt. Drome being extended.
Report that MANATUTO is deserted, JAPS having gone towards BAUCAU in 38 trucks. Killings at MANATUTO as reported earlier in diary confirmed.
Portion of 2 Coy now moving LACLUTA to observe and harass enemy on MANATUTO-BAUCAU and BAUCAU-VIQUEQUE roads, while other 2 Coy troops intend raiding MAUBISSE area tonight.
Arrangements for reception of another supply ship under way – every endeavour being made to take all precautions possible. Major WALKER recalled from his tour of B Pl area to be at FORCE 1200 hrs 18th November. OPs advised that communications failing to go through in sufficient time to obtain full value of their reports. Asked to make still further efforts to eliminate any possible delay.
16th November 1942
Ship in DILI now identified as OECUSSI. Large yacht still in harbour. An armoured car or type of MG carrier reported at MANATUTO.
14 launches with JAPS arrived BAUCAU evening 15th November. ERMERA occupied by JAP party from HATOLIA. Pl of 2 Coy moving East.
BOBONARO-MAUBISSE bombed approx. 0925 hrs. JAPS are now in BOBONARO – believed 600 – with six AA guns in positions (detailed by our OP).
In actions around this area – MAUBISSE-MINDELO – 2 Coy killed 46 hostiles and captured 40 burned 110 native huts.
Many sections of our platoons suffering from forms of diarrhoea or dysentery. Natives report that JAPS in BOBONARO. Told natives that an attempted AMERICAN landing had been repulsed and that no more bombers could come over. Bombing of town therefore particularly desirable.
17th November 1942
Medium merchantman anchored in DILI 0700 hrs, also one large and three small yachts. Blowing of the Coast road near SUBA or thereabouts is under consideration, the necessary enemy repair gangs to be machine gunned by our aircraft. Troops of both Coys to be used if found desirable.
Last bombing of BAUCAU started large fires. A report from our C PI 400 persons and 300 horses on BOBONARO-ATSABE road near ATSABE moving towards HATOLIA. Report from A PI at 0720 hrs – no JAPS in HATOLIA or ERMERA.
200 trained hostile natives entered HATU-BUILICO valley at North end late on 16th November.
MINDELO posto burned, SAME heavily strafed by 2 twin engine Allied planes about 0625 hrs. Planes approached up river beds and surprised the town – including our own troops quartered there who reported the planes as hedge hopping. Moral effect considerable but no damage by bullets.
Sec of 2 Coy with 40 natives attacked approximately 500 hostiles near junction MAUBISSE-MINDELO track driving off enemy, loyal natives retired smartly.
18th November 1942
Medium merchantman and 2 bombers arrived DILI – 12 boats approaching from North, 1 medium bomber left 1300 hrs.
300 ton ship from DILI off LIQUIÇA 0600 hrs.
500 JAPS and natives plus horses in HATOLIA – conservative estimate. Approx. 500 believed in RAIMERA. Considerable to and fro activity of large numbers of enemy estimated at 200 JAPS 700 natives, 350 horses suggest BOBONARO being evacuated in favour of HATOLIA via ATSABE. Our sections in that area asked why their apparent inactivity in harassing such movements.
Position in AINARO critical. Talk of King ANANIAS going pro-Jap. Position being closely watched.
TUTOLORO 75 uniformed men thought Jap moving toward about noon.
TURISCAI 5 Sec 2 Coy left 18th November – local natives also as no AUST troops remained. Early occupation asked for by our B Pl 1222 hrs. 1350 hrs further message states oomahs burning on TURISCAI-LILTAI track and message 1530 hrs states pack train heard shots and saw men above TURISCAI 1230 hrs. B Pl were then ordered to guard TURISCAI-AILALEC and TURISCAI-FATU-MAQUEREC tracks until cover arranged. Extensive aerial recce over an area including COY HQ in early morning.
19th November 1942
VENILALE occupied. JAPS active along BAUCAU road.
BAUCAU believed bombed 0735 hrs.
Reported that 500 JAPS now in HATOLIA.
A concentration of 200 JAPS 500 natives with 2 Vickers 2 Mortars at SAME SADDLE.
Our men taking appropriate action. Report made at 1210 hrs.
20th November 1942
DILI OP reports 9 truck loads troops arrived HERA from DILI 0530hrs left 0600 hrs.
A bomber arrived 0930 hrs at DILI from West and was met by four cars escorted by motor cycles.
MINDELO and TURISCAI areas reported clear. FATU MAQUERIC (NOVA CAMINHA) natives returning to their oomahs. A Pl reports bridge GLANO RIVER near ERMERA being rebuilt. PORTO report that JAPS at MONTASSI halfway between ERMERA and TALO (08482524), also more JAPS moving to CAILACO (08552518) and BOBONARO from BALIBO. Natives attempted to burn oomahs West side of valley near NUNAMOGUE (08582533) but 8 Sect chased them out inflicting casualties. King ANANIAS assisted by C Pl 4 Coy forced to undertake protection of whole valley. Bombing heard direction of MALIANA (09002514) 0800 hrs 19th. DUTCH report last bombing at BOBONARO destroyed Jap barracks in addition to oomahs.
400 natives armed with MGs attacked 2 Coys Section position on KABLAK SADDLE 19th Nov. Enemy retired, Sec still in position 0610 hrs. Later message states enemy retired towards MOGEEGA near SADDLE. Strict watch being kept in area in view of supply ships expected arrival. Report of mortar fire from direction of SADDLE at 0900 hrs probably refers to above action.
King ANANIAS denies he is pro-JAP, but a sub-sec of the Coy is remaining with him. Further reports of enemy movements to HATOLIA.
Bomb dropped at BUBUSUSU (near FAI-NIA) and another in AILALEC where COY HQ is situated. No casualties. Bombing at approx. 0840 hrs
21 November 1942
200 ton vessel arrived LIQUIÇA from East 1115 hrs carrying passengers – reported to be flying PORTUGUESE colours. Another ship well over 1000 tons and laden with troops and 2 planes escorting from LIQUIÇA to DILI. Large motor yacht out at 1000 hrs headed West.
JAPS rebuilding bridge GLANO RIVER near ERMERA. Unknown number of enemy MONTASSI and more moving from BALIBO to CAILACO and BOBONARO. JAPS still at HERA.
8 Sect forced natives out of HATU-BUILICO valley in direction of MAUBISSE. C Pl reports meeting between their representatives, Chefe ANANIAS and Chefe VICTOR, and is hopeful of stopping native war near NUNAMOGUE and towards MAUBISSE. PORTO Senor MANUEL SEQUIRA accompanied our men to conference. Also reports that Jap movement is from BOBONARO was made with a large fan of natives in front followed by more natives and JAPS moving on track parallel to road and on high ground overlooking road and nearby tracks. All oomahs beside road were burned. Offensive action rendered very difficult by these tactics.
7 Sec recce patrol to BOBONARO ridge attacked – no casualties. Chefe de Poste ATSABE now living with our 7 Sec, they will endeavour to restore confidence of natives towards BOBONARO.
DUTCH attacked on 3 sides and forced to retire. Chefe Sucu of FAI-NIA and another armed native stalked and shot 7 of a party of 10 at a JAP ronda [?] near SUE RIVER between MINDELO-TURISCAI.
Dawn attack on MAUBISSE by 2 Sec 2 AIC plus a sec of 4 AIC and friendly natives, assisted by RAAF being planned. Attack not carried out due to subsequent movements of JAPS.
(a) Both the Western and Eastern OPs have continued to operate continuously throughout the period. Major WALKER visited the Eastern OP on 14 November. He was able to make a first-hand appreciation of the difficulties and hardships in manning the OP. The task was being well executed, the morale of the men excellent and worthy of praise.
(b) The efficiency of the OPs could be increased by more powerful visual aids in the form of more suitable field glasses and better telescopes. Also a more suitable type of W/T set than the 208 is required. These recommendations were passed on to FORCE HQ.
(c) Observations made during the period were.
14th November | 34 MT vehicles carrying troops East, 1615 hrs – Seven vessels entered harbour three possible destroyers. Report qualified visibility poor. |
15th November | Medium merchant vessel close in shore – landing craft moving thereabouts. Large ship in Bay off ALOR ISLAND. |
17th November | 0700 hrs medium merchant vessel entered harbour. |
18th November | One medium merchant vessel entered harbour and one departed at 1300hrs. |
20th November | Large plane bomber type arrived 0930 hrs met by 4 cars which drove off escorted by motor cycles. |
21st November | Small vessel of 200 tons arrived in LIQUIÇA from East. Vessel moved from LIQUIÇA to DILI reported to be carrying troops and escorted by 2 planes. |
(d) The shipping activities in and around DILI for the period were extensive suggesting troop or store movements well above normal.
(a) ENEMY – Activity except around the DILI drome was quite normal. COY HQ at AILALEC were the recipients of extensive aerial recce on the AM 18 November preceding the dropping of one bomb near our Signals Office on 20 November.
(b) OURS – General bombing activity continued and was appreciated except on the morning 17 November when some excellent hedge hopping up and down river valleys and over hills and mountains was followed up an unfortunate machine gunning of A Pl 2 AIC in SAME but fortunately no one was hit. MANATUTO, BOBONARO, MAUBISSE and BAUCAU were bombed during the period.
(a) BOBONARO to MAPE and CASSA – Resultant contact with DUTCH on 14th November.
(b) MAPE to RAI-MEAN – BECO suggested possible watching of the southern coast from this point.
(c) BOBONARO to HATOLIA, ERMERA, TALO area. The object of this move may have been to evacuate BOBONARO as a result of continued attention of our bombings or as an attempt to drive out A PI 4 AIC. The latter objective may be the correct one as troop movement from BALIBO to CAILACO thence BOBONARO was reported suggesting movement of reinforcements. Six A/A guns was also reported by natives as installed in BOBONARO.
(d) DILI to EAST. The general move which appeared to commence on 14th November continued throughout the period. Jap troops appear to be manning the coast line as far as BAUCAU and possibly beyond. 38 MT vehicles moved from MANATUTO to BAUCAU on 15th November and on same date 14 launches presumed landing craft also arrived.
(a) These are definitely momentum and become very annoying as they become FUTILE expenditure of ammunition and energy on the part of the men. The parties of natives very in size from 200 to 400 and are controlled by few JAPS possibly about one per fifty natives. Relatively few of the natives are armed with firearms and on first encounter immediately scatter and make poor targets. They move about at night necessitating double guards and little sleep for the forward sections.
(b) Major activities reported:
16th November – MAUBISSE-MINDELO area — C PI 2 AIC killed 46.
16th-17th November – Movement out of AILEU – Native huts burnt in TURISCAI-LILTAI area.
16th-18th November – Movement down MAUBISSE VALLEY to NUNAMOGUE and consequent burning of native huts on West side until chased out by 8 Sec 4 AIC.
Other extensive moves were reported around the KABLAK and SAME SADDLES.
(c) Some doubt has been cast on the sincerity and loyalty of King ANANIAS of the AINARO area who has been given every assistance by C PI 4 AIC and D Pl 2 AIC in efforts to drive out hostile natives from the MAUBISSE VALLEY. Capt THOMPSON OC C PI 4 AIC is endeavouring to arrange a conference between ANANIAS and Chefe VICTOR stated to be pro-Jap in an endeavour to stop the native warfare in the AINARO-NUNAMOGUE-HATU-BUILICO areas.
22nd November 1942
Report received that BAUCAU was bombed 17th November. JAPS occupy LAUTEM and are digging in at VENILALE, also reported they intend occupying OSSU and BEACO. 500 natives 10 JAPS and 2 MGs in MAPE or RAI-MEAN. Explosions heard near BEACO and MAPE 0700 hrs – planes only seen indistinctly.
AINARO entered 0900 hrs by JAPS and hostile natives from direction ATSABE; town stated to be ‘full of JAP TIMORS’. 250 hostile natives moved down SUE RIVER towards FAI-NIA between MINDELO and TURISCAI – report received at FAI-NIA about 1300 hrs.
Rifle fire reported as heard in ATSABE 0445-0520 hrs. Suspected that Jap aims to reinforce East end of island and also to operate and maintain lines of communication in several areas.
Weather – Fairly heavy rain commencing in the early afternoon and lasting about 1600 hrs now an almost invariable feature. Aircraft activity consequently very restrictive during these hours.
23rd November 1942
Administrator LAUTEM his wife and 3 PORTOS, reported killed by JAPS on a date unknown.
JAPS reported by natives returned from VENILALE to BAUCAU.
RAI-MEAN and BECO bombed by our planes on their return after failing to identify their original target, HATOLIA.
Approx. 600 Natives swarmed Pl 2 AIC from 1130 to 1400 hrs, forcing retirement.
HQ A PI 4 AIC at ALSAI (25279854) attacked 0500 hrs, completely surprised. No casualties but some equipment lost.
TUTOLORO bombed – 4 sticks – 1230 hrs by JAPS.
Gap on SUE RIVER now closed by redisposition of 2 AIC and ourselves. 1 Sec of 2 AIC says in a message ‘400 natives now jibbing for lack of 4 rifles. Both Pls 2 AIC doubt possibility of a successful concerted move on MAUBISSE as projected.
Condition of men, lack of food in area and presence everywhere of hostile natives rendering surprise movement out of the question.
24th November 1942
DILI bombed 2130 hrs 23rd by approx. 5 planes. Destroyer in harbour moved 1700 hrs 23rd and now circling offshore. Merchantman has moved out of range of OP vision after a total of 30 trips between ship and jetty by tenders. Large transport plane landed 60 personnel 1630 hrs on 23rd.
A PL HQ near ATSABE attacked 0500 hrs 23rd. ( a)
8 Sec C PI near HATU-BUILICO attacked 23rd. (a)
1 Sec A PI near HERA attacked 23rd. (a)
(a) = all attacked by JAPS and natives.
DUTCH in contact with enemy including 30 JAPS at HATU-UDU still fighting being forced back at last message. Oomahs being burnt by enemy.
AINARO clear. C Pl reports that prior to last action here, some natives preceded them into town and pointed out Jap positions. Local king in this area has sworn to avenge the killing of the two priests. The KING, Chefes and natives in this are held in high esteem by various PORTOS in area.
30 hostile natives of SUE RIVER party surrounded by our natives who are expected to liquidate them.
200 JAPS 25 motor transport reported at VEOLI RIVER 1200 hrs 23rd November. Continual pleading for the arming of friendly natives by our Pls. Transport of stores from beachhead badly hampered by shortage of horses for transport and poor quality of horses eventually available.
Ill-fitting crude native saddles aggravate position by rapidly rendering horses unfit if not continuously supervised. Position at HQ particularly acute.
25th November 1942
Ship of at least 6000 tons back outside DILI harbour 0500 hrs. 112 trips in all by light craft unloading on the 24th. Destroyer anchored nearby – at 1100 hrs entered harbour. 27 truck troops moved East from DILI through HERA 0815 hrs.
Situation permitting A PI is to cover HATU-BUILICO with 2 Sec enabling 8 Sec to combine with 9 Sec. Town reported clear – was entered by 8 Sec 24th; JAP 13 Timor bodies and some papers found. 300 JAPS and natives in HATU-UDU 24th.
200 JAPS and natives in AINARO early 25th. 2 AIC watching for any move towards SAME from here or HATU-UDO. At 1015 hrs enemy failed in an attempt to encircle C PI HQ. AINARO completely burnt out. 2 AIC Secs in in this area remaining present positions and avoiding withdrawal East ‘unless situation becomes intolerable’.
At 1540 hrs C PI advise of least 1000 JAPS and natives moved out of AINARO on ATSABE track. Enemy in CASSA. M/O left COY HQ for B Pl attend Cpl PRICE – broken leg.
Capt GARVEY, Lieut NICOLAY Sig Officer left COY HQ for C PI to arrange for evacuation cases to be sent to Hospital immediately.
26th November 1942
A landing craft moving West between TIBAR-AIPELO 0600 hrs, returned direction of DILI after short stop one mile East AIPELO 0635 hrs. No troops seen. Report from A Pl.
Delayed message despatched 25 November states new C and C and 2000 troops arrived in DILI. New drome being built at FUILORO.
9 Allied planes bombed HATU-UDU unconfirmed reports and either MAPE or AINARO also machine gunned BECO 0730 hrs JAPS still in HATU-UDU 1200 hrs but left direction of LIAS 1500 hrs.
6 Allied planes bombing in vicinity VENILALE morning of 25th.
200 JAPS entered OSSU 0900 hrs 25th left 1500 hrs for VENILALE.
3 Sec driven out of position 1540 hrs by enemy, now at KATRIE, caused 10 enemy casualties during action.
Another delayed message received 27th but dated 24th states that A PI attacked by 10 JAPS and 259 natives. 2 JAPS and 30 natives killed in ensuing action, another message states that 3 Sec hit 12 JAPS at TALO of 1200 hrs on 24th, capturing weapons etc. C Pl moved HQ at 1830 hrs, present position and reasons behind move not yet known.
HQ A PI 2 AIC now approx. 08592537. Latter report that they moved back to ALSAI.
Capt GARVEY not at A PI 2 AIC 26th. Later report stated that his horses had broken down.
FORCE orders BETANO must be kept clear for at least 10 days. They will arrange for HATU-UDO and RAI-MEAN to be bombed 27th. Also modify Capt GARVEY’S orders. Now plan to attack enemy nearest BETANO and or SAME. C Pl instructed accordingly.
27th November 1942
5 landing craft arrived DILI from West 0845 hrs 27th. Delayed message – destroyer and merchantman 5 miles off LIQUIÇA moving West 1600 hrs 25th November.
DARWIN were requested to bomb BAUCAU and LAGA 28th November using delayed action bombs. 4 enemy planes East of OSSU explosions heard.
3 Allied planes bombed HATU-UDU 0730 hrs. Bombing of 26th November scored direct hit on POSTO. Many dead found and ‘blood everywhere on tracks’.
3 Allied planes bombed in direction MAPE.
2 Sec 2 AIC in action against hostile natives 1130 hrs. Firing heard in the direction of NUNAMOGUE from midnight to 0500.
New dispositions: 6 Sec to cover TURISCAI; 5 Sec as B Pl OC sees fit; 8 Sec to NUNAMOGUE.
Engineers to concentrate FATU-MAQUEREC.
Capt GARVEY remaining at SAME temporarily. Lieut NICOLAY returning COY HQ.
Cpl ENGLISH to return to AUSTRALIA by order NORFORCE.
All DUTCH except volunteers to be evacuated from BETANO night 30th November-1st December.
Delayed messages state that JAPS and Natives towards SAME 0600 26 November. More landing craft movement about DILI.
(a) Extensive enemy shipping continues to be reported the highlight being the unloading of a large merchant vessel, estimated 6000 tons escorted by a destroyer. Unloaded by many landing craft and/or barges and provided with an aerial guard while unloading at some stages. The Western OP received PORTO information to the effect that 2000 troops had been landed and that a new CO had been installed. Also that a new drome was in the course of construction at Fuiloro (08252701) in East.
Shipping movements during period were confirmed by both OPs. Unfortunately information from the Western OP was delayed due to a two-day failure in W/T communication owing to a breakdown of the 109 set at A PI HQ.
(b) On 22-23 November JOHN VIERRA, a Portuguese attached to B PI entered DILI disguised as a Timor. He apparently moved round freely, made copious notes as to troop and defensive dispositions and returned to Eastern OP, where the information was plotted on to the DILI target map and thence made into a record breaking message of 360 groups. (Not all passed of the one time). All information in this report is purported to be AS SEEN by VIERRA. The total number of troops accounted for is 6000. This individual effort is worthy of the highest praise and commendation.
22nd November | BECO |
23rd November | RAI-MEAN AND BECO |
23-24th November night of | DILI |
26th November – 0730 hrs | HATU-UDU AND BECO |
27th November | HATU-UDU AND BECO |
The only result of bombings yet to hand is that a direct hit was achieved on the Posto in HATU-UDU and that the DUTCH reported the finding of many Timor bodies, that many wounded (presumably JAPS) had been carried away on stretchers and that the tracks in around the area were markedly bloodstained.
(a) My previous deduction that enemy movement unto the HATOLIA area was probably levelled at A PI occupation thereabouts appears to be confirmed in reports of the following actions:
23rd November 0500 hrs. A PI HQ at ALSAI were subject to a surprise attack by 10 JAPS and 250 natives. The enemy were driven off with losses 2 JAPS and 30 natives killed. Pl HQ was temporarily moved but has since returned to ALSAI.
24th November 1200 hrs. 3 Sec ambushed 12 JAPS near TALO. Only one escaped and some equipment was captured. However, in a further action at 1540 hrs 25th November the same Sec was forced to retire and moved back to PI HQ. No recorded casualties either side.
JAPS also moved to LETE-FOHO and were contacted by 2 Sec 0845 hrs 27th November. Numbers of enemy in occupation unknown, but one killed, one probably killed, four wounded, our casualties nil. One complete set of equipment captured.
JAPS have apparently restored ATSABE-HATOLIA road for use of MT. This information from C de P LETE-FOHO.
(b) In the period the following activities were reported from B PI area:
On 22nd November enemy occupied LAUTEM where it is reported they killed the Administrator and his wife. Jap intention to occupy VENILALE and OSSU also reported and followed up by actual entry of 200 JAPS into OSSU at 0900 hrs 25th November, and their departure for VENILALE at 1500 hrs the same day.
At 1300 hrs 23th November a Sub-Sec of 4 Sec at the relief post to the Eastern OP was surprised and Cpl PRICE broke his leg during the getaway. His evacuation to COY HQ was a slow and difficult task occupying 6 days, and indicated the difficulties which may be experienced in arranging evacuations from forward. No enemy casualties reported as a result of this meeting.
In carrying a recce in preparatory to a road blow between MANATUTO and BAUCAU Sgt OAKLEY (acting OC of 5 Sec) and 7 men set an ambush at 0500 hrs 22nd November. At 1125 hrs a utility truck approached from direction BAUCAU and our men opened up at 200 yds range. There were 7 or 8 JAPS in the truck, which was riddled with bullets and only one escaped. These JAPS were dressed in long trousers, shirts with sleeves, and some looked like Officers or NCOs wearing waist belts and Sam Brownes. There opposing fire consisted of only a few shots sounding like revolver fire. Later our patrol heard MG fire from the vicinity, suggesting the usual JAP practice of shooting at all cover adjacent to the sight of the ambush. A word of praise is due to the Sub-Sec for this highly successful ambush.
(c) DUTCH. On 22nd November 10 JAPS and 500 natives were reported to be in MAPE and RAI-MEAN.
On 24th November 300 JAPS and Natives continuing their Eastward movement on the Southern coast forced the DUTCH out of and to the East of HATU-UDO. On 25th November they entered CASSA. On 26th November, no doubt as a result of the bombing of HATU-UDO on the AM of that day, this town was clear of all enemy by 1500 hrs. They moved back in direction of LEBOS.
(d) C PL AREA. On 22nd November a few JAPS and natives entered AINARO. They were opposed by 9 Sec who inflicted casualties using an MMG obtained from the PORTUGUESE ARMY. Enemy moved out from the town 24th November after having burned the main buildings and many native huts. They re-entered the town on 25th November and attempted to encircle C Pl HQ to the East of the town but were driven off at 1540 hrs that day of least 1000 natives were reported to have left the town via the ATSABE track. This movement was confirmed by 7 Sec who saw many natives enter ATSABE of 0200 hrs 26th November and leave of 0400 hrs the same AM in direction BOBONARO, after having completed the circuit. Main result of this move was the destruction of AINARO and ravaging of native huts in the surrounding district. The AINARO natives expressed loyalty to our cause, and to avenge the murder of their two priests they, unbeknown to our C Pl, undertook an ambush on night 24th November, killing at least 3 JAPS.
At dawn 23rdNovember 8 Sec were also surprised attacked at HATU-BUILICO. They had to fight their way out and definitely killed 2 JAPS and 13 TIMORS, these bodies being found when the Section reoccupied the town later. Four of our men were injured in this action -mainly twisted knees and ankles. The section was again attacked on night 25th November by KING VICTOR’S natives.
(e) COY HQ AREA. 250 natives moved down the SUE RIVER between TURISCAI and MINDELO on 22nd November suggesting a threat to FAI-NIA, but no action developed.
To summarise activities in the period, it was evident that the JAPS are fully informed as to our positions and went out to get our isolated Sections by planned attacks, full use being made of hostile natives in all actions.
28th November 1942
12 trucks left HERA going West 1030 hrs. 7 planes took off 0700 hrs; flew ATAURO and then West over ALOR ISLAND. A Pl HQ of KATRAI. 2 Sec successfully raided JAPS in LETE-FOHO 0845hrs 27th November. JAP killed one other probably. Native rumour JAPS moving back to HATOLIA.
HATU-UDU clear, enemy moving back to MAPE. Natives at MAPE helping JAPS though not pro-JAP.
JAPS in hills North West of ARCOS (CASSA) – said by native rumour to be awaiting guns to cover area.
Tracks around BOBONARO-AINARO being improved to allow MT use. C Pl expect JAPS to move to AINARO for the rice now ripening. A delayed message of 26th November states JAPS in hills to North of town.
Creados – native servants attached to 2 AIC A PI decoyed 200 hostile MINDELO natives into action with their 1 and 2 Secs – casualties inflicted. MAUBISSE bombed 0755 hrs by 3 planes. L-HUDSONS and returned SOUTH very smartly.
2 AIC moving to facilitate their evacuation, considerable shuffling needed. Good work by RAP C PI personnel during week. Communications with A Pl still causing concern.
29th November 1942
Tanker 6/7000 tons and destroyer entered DILI 1450 hrs. JAPS at MANATUTO digging coast and A/A defences.
16 trucks left HERA travelling West also 50 troops on foot. 6 loads troops arrived ERMERA from DILI – PORTO, soldier informant.
No contact with C Pl since 1200 hrs 28th November.
Some Secs finding difficulty to obtain horses for pack trains. Few days travelling renders average horse useless until rested and fed up.
Lieut NICOLAY returned COY HQ from C Pl.
30th November 1942
Small merchant ship from East arrived DILI 0630 hrs.
Motor transport active between DILI and HERA particularly in morning.
PORTUGUESE report that petrol dump is located in the church at AKET.
JAPS repairing RAILACO-GLANO road. All efforts being concentrated on successful evacuation of 2 Coy.
Conflicting statements of opinion by OPs on DILI regarding destroyer and tanker referred to earlier.
Ships proceeding to RV at BETANO for evacuation bombed en-route. One only arrived balance possibly not being able to identify correct beach.
Two trucks passed HERA from DILI towing artillery; 10 large dogs have been sent to HERA from DILI. Small merchant ship left DILI to West 1630 hrs 30th November. 5 landing craft left to the East 1400 hrs. VIERRA’S creado returned from recce HERA on 29th states 500 JAPS and ATAMBOEA Timors camped in the town and gave detailed description of location of ammo and petrol dumps.
C Pl moving to SAME 2nd. Lt HAMMOND and a number of Sappers arrived COY HQ in evening to undertake pack train escorting.
2nd DECEMBER 1942
Enemy surface craft seen on South coast. Small merchant ship into DILI 0700 hrs from East.
Old heavy type cruiser reported into DILI from North 1230 hrs. 20 trucks into DILI during afternoon.
Troops in HERA camouflaging buildings. JAPS reported now in OSSU.
Timors say they saw planes – 9 – bomb BAUCAU early morning. Large number of JAPS in ATSABE on 1st; now digging in. Capt GARVEY remaining at BETANO pending clarification of situation re evacuation. All movements frozen pending this. Delayed message from A PI OP tells of 2 bombers appearing to land off coast (illegible) Map Ref and 08312538 at 0845 hrs 30th November.
3rd DECEMBER 1942
Cruiser left DILI to West 1645 hrs on 2nd December.
One recce plane and 2 Zero planes left DILI to East 0545 hrs.
10 trucks left DILI to West 0600 hrs
10 trucks left DILI to West 0600 hrs at long intervals.
20 trucks returned DILI from West.
6 trucks with troops left HERA to West 0700 hrs.
B PI heard explosions 0410 hrs and 0425 hrs thought in direction of DILI. Aerial activity in morning.
Trench System being dug at ATSABE from ROTAI track to AINARO track. OP on town forced to move to another location.
JAPS remain in ATSABE. 200 including Timors in town.
Petrol position acute. All Pls again ordered to conserve stocks on hand.
4th DECEMBER 1942
Continual air activity to and from DILI in morning. One bomber met on arrival by a staff car. One bomber crashed alongside church after taking off 1420 hrs. 6 landing craft in from the West 0530 hrs. 13 Zeros on drome all day. N/S runway of old drome in use.
Small merchantman in 0630 hrs. A delayed message confirms another in 0725 on 2nd. Reported that 1 Genera1, 1 Lt Co1, 7000 troops now in and around DILI. Informant – MADEIRA – moving into DILI again for further information.
6 trucks of troops left HERA 0700 hrs to the East.
Raid on ATSABE using 3 Sec and 7 Sec under consideration. Other sections report all quiet.
Noticeable at COY HQ that natives now have to be sought after for food where formerly it came to us in abundance.
5th DECEMBER 1942
DILI – Arrived:
Small merchantman 0630 hrs; 3 fighters from East 0830 hrs; 2 fighters from East; 1 bomber from East 0915 hrs; 2 fighters from East 1030 hrs.
DILI – Departed:
1 bomber 0830 hrs; 2 bombers to West 1415 hrs; 2 fighters to East 0645 hrs; 9 fighters to West 0700 hrs; 3 fighters 1 bomber to East 0715 hrs; 2 fighters to East 1135 hrs.
HERA: 10 trucks with troops moved East 0815 hrs.
4 Sec moving to 2 hours East of late position – reliable Timor information that JAPS nearing them. At ATSABE C de P believes bombing and machine gunning of JAPS in occupation imperative for native morale and our future food supplies.
8 Sec forced out of NUNAMOGUE by hostile Timors. Report that JAPS are moving down MAUBISSE-AINARO road and that they are waiting in an ambush position – message timed 0945 hrs 5th November.
Lt MURPHY pressing for consultation with CO. Arrangements made for Capt GARVEY to return COY HQ releasing CO for RV at SAME with Lieut MURPHY (OC A Pl) Capt GARVEY reported at FATU-CUAC but extent not known. Capt GARVEY unable to return in time therefore Lieut MURPHY instructed to proceed to COY HQ.
Capt GARVEY unable to return in time. Lt MURPHY therefore instructed to proceed to COY HQ.
6th DECEMBER 1942
DILI – small merchantman in 0735 hrs. On 4th explosions heard at sea in direction of WETAR 0630 hrs and 0830 hrs. Much truck movement between drome and DILI.
5 Sec ambushed 7 trucks 4th December (Temp O/C Sgt OAKLEY) and achieved over 20 JAP casualties. B PI at new OP on DILI – no view of harbour. 60 troops were approaching OP at time of message from HERA.
PORTO rumour from ATSABE that 25 trucks JAPS left BOBONARO night of 4th and went to DILI where they embarked. AINARO quiet. 8 Sec attacked by 8 JAPS and large number of TIMORS (?). Enemy driven off with casualties – 2 JAPS, 17 NATIVES killed.
Lieut MURPHY arriving SAME afternoon 8th.
7th DECEMBER 1942
Eastern OP returned to its old position at 0530 hrs on 7th December.
DILI – 2 big merchantman estimated over 7000 tons each entered with destroyer 0715 hrs. Ships low in water – fully laden. Entered from North West. Small merchantman from East 0830 hrs; small merchantman left to West 1600 hrs 6th. Destroyer entered from West 0600 hrs.
JAPS remain in ATSABE and HATOLIA. Native rumour that JAPS in TAUREMA (08482533). Much native movement in TALO-HATOLIA area.
8th DECEMBER 1942
Both big merchantmen at DILI being unloaded by motor driven craft. Ship of 2000 tons odd at anchor. Destroyer standing off harbour mouth.
PORTO SANTOS recently returned from DILI provided us with much detailed information including mention of what are apparently two 6 inch guns in town. OP on town providing details of flying routine observed by enemy. Bombs heard in direction of town by B PI at 2030 hrs and 0030 night 7/8 December.
Native report that JAPS near LACLUTA from VIQUEQUE (08522622).
Lieut MURPHY now coming on to COY HQ. Capt Garvey expected to contact him at SAME on Lieut MURPHY’S return trip to A Pl.
Preliminary movements re evacuation of 2 Coy again under way. 2 COY HQ personnel moved out to ALAS as first step.
On 5th DECEMBER the Eastern OP received preliminary warning from a reliable native source that the JAPS proposed to cut them out, so that evening they moved to an adjacent ridge and next day observed approx. 60 JAPS approach the old OP. However this did not prevent 4 Sec from occupying the old OP on the AM 7th December and continuing with their good work. A typical example of the insecurity of the POST is described in an extract of a report by Lieut HART OC 4 Sec which is attached. A great deal of shipping and air movement has been observed in the period directing further attention to the enemy’s activities along the North coast. The WESTERN OP through its agents passed back further information re targets in DILI and stated that there were 3000 JAPS in DILI and a further 3000 manning the North coast between DILI-BAUCAU-LAUTEM-FUILORO (the locality of the new drome). They confirmed the report that the new C in C of the Japanese Forces here carries the rank of GENERAL.
Aerial activity was particularly noticeable on 5th December when the movements of 14 fighters and 2 bombers were observed. Nine of the fighters took off took off to the West of 0700 hrs that day and did not return. It would appear that they may have come from KOEPANG resultant on our recent RAAF bombings and were returning, North and South coastal recce flights continue each day. One pleasing item of news was the crashing of a bomber near the DILI church, just after taking off on the afternoon of 4 December.
Highlight of the shipping movements was on 7th December when two large well-laden merchant ships, escorted by a destroyer, entered DILI harbour. During the unloading by landing craft the destroyer stood outside the harbour. These ships were reported to be the largest to enter DILI since the occupation of the OP, being estimated to be 15000 tons.
Except for continued movement to the East with the occupation of OSSU and OSSU RUA on 2nd December enemy and hostile native movements have been very limited. Reports received state that they are repairing and improving all tracks in the BOBONARO-ATSABE-HATOLIA area, also that they are preparing the road bridge over the GLANO RIVER, destroyed several months previously by the 2 AIC. These reports are being investigated by 1 and 2 Secs.
Enemy has been active in the ATSABE area and commenced and to dig what appeared to be defensive positions around the town. 7 Sec, who were OPing the town and area were attacked with MMGs. We suffered no casualties while the enemy had 2 killed for certain and 6 wounded, while of their natives 10 were certainly killed and a unknown number wounded. On 5th December 7 Sec observed that the JAPS had left ATSABE and later found they had gone to BOBONARO the previous day, taking with them 1 1/2” and 3” water piping galvanized and corrugated iron, a further indication of their apparent intention to settle in at BOBONARO and make it a forward base for Western movement.
The enemy’s scorched earth policy, whilst denying food to us also denies it to him and his supporting Timors and therefore renders it desirable for him to establish lines of communication to facilitate supplies before he undertakes further Eastern thrusts.
On the receipt of advice of the impending evacuation of the DUTCH forces and the 2 AIC, careful consideration was given to the redisposition of the Platoons of the Company. With the expected arrival of the new DUTCH relief force of approximately one Platoon strength (58 men) it was considered practicable to retain both the Eastern and Western OPs with little change in Section disposition. To enable this to be carried out, it was proposed that the new DUTCH force would come up into the important MINDELO-TURISCAI area. However on the afternoon of 8th December I was advised that the DUTCH would not be coming. This involved immediate reconsideration of dispositions.
Maintenance of the Western OP will possibly be no longer practicable. A decision on this point will be reached after a conference with Lieut MURPHY, acting OC A Pl at HQ on 10th December.
COY HQ | AILALEC | 08542547 |
A Pl HQ | ALSAI | 08542525 |
1 Sec | FATU-MESIN | 08382522 |
2 Sec | HATU-BUILCO | 08542541 |
3 Sec | HATOLIA | 08482521 |
B PI HQ | FATU-MAQUERIQUE | 08472547 |
4 Sec | EASTERN OP | 08342542 |
5 Sec | CRIBAS | 08412599 |
6 Sec | TURISCAI | 08522542 |
C PI HQ | SAME | 08992541 |
7 Sec | ATSABE | 08552525 |
8 Sec | NUNAMOGUE | 08582533 |
9 Sec | AINARO | 09002531 |
Engineer Section – Various. This Sec has been split up to carry out L of C duties.
Summary covering the period 28th November to 8th December 1942.
The aerial bombing of HATU-UDO on 26th-27th November inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy.
At least 50 JAPS were killed, native rumours state up to 120. Many more were undoubtedly wounded. Native casualties are unknown. However the main value of the raid was the effect on native morale, particularly in the AINARO areas. Native here state that if the JAPS re-enter AINARO and the town is bombed while they are in occupation – they the natives – will form a ring round the town and kill the enemy as he leaves the town, probably in disorder. Capt THOMPSON OC C Pl has every confidence with these natives and discriminate arming of some of the Chiefs and suitable men is proceeding. Patrols in the HATU-UDO area have sighted no natives thereabouts since the bombing.
The NUNAMOGUE area continues to be a storm centre, 8 Sec under the leadership of the CSM W/O MARSHALL – continues to be aggressive. Obtaining preliminary warning of a proposed enemy movement, they took up a position and engaged him on the morning of 6th December, driving him off. 2 JAPS and 17 Natives were killed, number of wounded are not known. The Sec suffered no casualties.
5 Sec commanded by the B Pl Sgt OAKLEY executed another MT ambush on the MANATUTO-BAUCAU road. They were again successful getting one truck and killing 20 JAPS and wounding 14 according to native reports. Full details of the action are not yet to hand. The Sec are to be commended for the continuance of these aggressive, morale-sapping tactics. Further successes along the road will render MT movement along the road a hazardous undertaking.
Our aerial activity for the period was confined to a bombing raid on MAUBISSE on the morning of 28th November. No reports on the results of this raid are to hand.
Note. It should be further noted that this is the last diary entry as subsequent to this date to date of evacuation all records were destroyed in case enemy discovered their existence.
Note – The original War Diary for the month of December 1942 and that period up to evacuation was destroyed to prevent it falling into enemy hands.
The War Diary for December 1942 was written up by Capt Garvey on the Units return to DARWIN. [Date stamped 10th March 1943].
Owing to Japanese activities to the EAST along the road BAUCAU (26270827), VIQUEQUE (26220852), BEACO (26270856) the increasing enemy activity around BAZAR-TETE (25230837) near our WESTERN platoon particularly along the road ATSABE (25250855) to TIBAR (25290834) and in the towns ATSABE, HATOLIA (25210847), TALO (25239847), ERMERA (25240845) and KABLAK ridge the occupation by JAPS and natives of our beach head at BETANO (25440909) the evacuation of the DUTCH troops leaving the South coast around HATU-UDU (25360907) and the river NOLA and the road to SAME (25410900) uncovered made it necessary to reconsider immediately the re-distribution of both the 2/2 and 2/4 Aust Indep Coys.
Accordingly B PI of 2/2 was moved from the area TURISCAI (25440850) NOVA CAMINHA (FATU-MAQUEREC) (25470846) and VILA DE OURIQUE (LACLUBAR) (25550845) to the East around LACLUTA (26080847), BIBILEU (2670851), BARIQUE (26050851) to watch and report Jap activity along the road. BAUCAU, VIQUEQUE, BEACO and report any change in attitude of the natives. Already a large number of native refugees from the burnt and plundered areas of the West had arrived there making the food situation worse than before. This move left large portions of the TURISCAI etc, area unguarded and the Jap and native were quick to realize the change, moved through creating hell by plundering and burning and wrecking everything in sight.
Natives in consequence moved further East taking whatever food was left with them and leaving the area practically bare of any native food or help. B Pl of No 4 Coy who remains in the area had to move a section from the LACLO (25550834) area to TURISCAI to minimize these Jap excursions. Whilst these moves were in their final phases news was received that the 2/2 Indep Coy were to be evacuated. Although the bulk of their men were unfit for any sort of service, the few capable of fighting and their mere presence was sufficient to keep the Jap in check.
The areas were again re-allotted in light of this information and it was decided to move A Pl on 11th December from the area FATU-MASIN (25220838) NOVA OBIDOS (LETE-FOHO) (25250850), BARALAU (25240854) to area DARAMAT (25440856) FAI-NIA (25450855) MINDELO (254308541, TURISCAI. C Pl were to cover AINARO, KABLAK RIDGE and SAME (25410900) whilst B Pl were to retain the DILI OP (25430834) and cover the area CRIBAS (25590841) VILA DE OURIQUE (LACLUBAR) NOVA CAMINHA (FATU-MAQUEREC).
The health of our troops was again causing concern, a large number suffering from malaria, diarrhea and general exhaustion. Many of the areas were being rapidly depleted of food either by frequent enemy destruction or natives moving away from their holdings. The main diet consisted of buffalo and/or pig and rice, even one or two of these being absent in some areas. Consequently where the disease had been arrested the correct diet was not available to build up the men concerned and on return to their sections the old trouble reoccurred.
After the evacuation of the 2/2 Indep Coy it was evident the enemy had realised some moved occurred and moved into the newly vacated areas. Those reported DARALAU, ATSABE, VIRIATA (HATU-BUILICO) on the West. FATU-CUAC (25460906) HATU UDO, SAME on the South and LACLO and adjacent villages on the East.
JAPS and natives moved into SAME whilst one platoon of No.2 Coy were evacuating the town, causing that platoon to suffer one killed and several injured, whilst the HQ of our C Pl who were taking over some of their stores were forced to withdraw. Shortly after, one section of A PI guarding the track between MAUBISSE (25360851) and SAME were forced out of their position by two large Jap attacks both before dawn and returned in the direction of FAI-NIA.
By these actions, three sections of C Pl were cut off whilst simultaneous attacks around TURISCAI, DILI OP, NOVA CAMINHA (FATU MAQUEREC) and the L of C between the last two places forces the unit to again reconsider the positions of sub-units and guard a basic area which we considered was vital for the continuance of the force on the island. This basic area, in our opinion, was the last portion where we could continue to live as a fighting force; but by further splitting into smaller units it was thought possible to continue to live and fight as individuals.
The basic area was that part contained by ALAS (25470901) on the South, FAI-NIA, NOVA CAMINHA (FATU MAQUEREC) on the West and around in more or less a circle CRIBAS, LACLUTA, BARIQUE. All offensive action was to take place outside this area and JAPS and their natives were to be kept out at all costs. Numerous actions took place on the fringe of the circle mainly around TURISCAI, FATU MAQUEREC, MINDELO. Offensive actions took place at AINARO, KABLAK RIDGE and along the road MANATUTO (26010832) BAUCAU.
New positions selected to guard this basic area, were C Pl to leave a small detachment in AINARO to train friendly natives, arrange distribution of rifles dropped by plane and to continue to create a diversion in that area whilst No 8 section were to guard the track between SAME and ALAS (25470901) with No. 9 section and PI HQ in the vicinity of ALAS. No 7 section was split between Nos 8 and 9 to build up their depleted sections. A Pl were dispersed as follows – No.3 section vicinity DARAMATA, No 2 section MINDELO, Pl HQ FAI-NIA and No 1 section TURISCAI. B PI HQ were located at NOVA CAMINHA (FATU MAQUEREC). No 4 section at DILI OP North-east of REMEXIO (25390835). No 5 section at CRIBAS, No 6 section on tracks east of TURISCAI. COY HQ located at AILALEC (25460854) with an advanced dressing station at SAME and the hospital at BELULIC near AI RAI OAN (25490854) with FORCE HQ.
Jap troops were mainly used at SAME, HATU-UDU, BETANO areas whilst native troops led by JAPS or Javanese were used at other points mentioned before. Provided a sufficient number of our troops were in the area neither type of attack was feared but it was anticipated that a combined large drive would be made against our basic area in the near future possibly during the moon of January or February. The combined tactics off JAPS and natives would have made the position untenable and this was conveyed to NORFORCE and L.H.Q. late in December in response to their enquiries. On 27th December our party O Pipping DILI were forced out and were unable to set up another, as JAPS and natives took up new positions further inland. Thus the main initial task of the unit was finished.
On 4th January 1943 instructions were received that the balance of the forces on the island were to be evacuated on the night 9/10 January. To ensure a safe getaway it was decided to leave the sub-units in position as long as possible and to give out that the move was one to the East, it being necessary to ensure complete secrecy. A PI commenced to move early on the morning of the 7th, arrived at Coy RV at CLEDEC (25550900) during the night of 8/9 January and arrived at the beach head at KICRAS (26020903). B Pl concentrated of PUNAR on the 6th, arrived at FATU-BERLIEU (25539857) on 7th.camped at CLEDEC night 8/9 and moved to the beach head PM 9th. D PL concentrated at ALAS on 7th, spent the night in the vicinity of CLEDEC, night 8/9,and moved to the beach head PM 9m. All platoons were responsible for their own protection to FATU-BERLIEU where A PI were detailed as the rear guard from there to the beach head. Although the move was hampered by rain, flood, mud as well as horses, equipment, natives and Portuguese, the whole arrived at the beach head on time and without mishap or arousing native or Jap suspicion.
On arrival, personnel, stores, natives and animals were hidden in the scrub pending the arrival of the boat. Three fires were lit as instructed about 2230 hrs and faint recognition signals were sighted about midnight although the boats did not start arriving at the shore until after 0100 hrs. The surf since our arrival had been running very high and showed no signs of abating, consequently when two of the first lot of boats were turned over on their way in, it was no surprise. The order of evacuation was hospital patients, Portuguese, the stores and troops.
The first two boat loads were turned over but fortunately no lives were lost although practically all gear was lost in the surf. Another method of loading and launching the boats was tried by Lieut Lane and proved successful. Delays frequently occurred by boats not coming into shore and asking for swimmers, but eventually after leaving all unit equipment on the beach in charge of the OC of the party remaining behind Lieut FLOOD, the final elements of the unit boarded the destroyer H.M.A.S. ARUNTA barely 3/4 of an hour before first light at 0430 hrs.
Everyone was completely exhausted and slept for the greater part of the voyage. DARWIN was reached on the evening of the 10th and immediately moved to WINNELLIE CAMP for a meal, clean up and issue of clothing and thence by train to LARRIMAH which we reached early AM 12th January.
A number of documents are attached to the War Diary which are to be read in conjunction with these extracts. They were all included in the AWM file in Canberra containing these diaries.
Appendix A
Date: 23rd September 1942
1. No 4 Ind Coy will disembark at BETANO of 1630 hrs on 23rd Sept 1942.
2. The Coy will re-assemble and move to areas occupied by No 2 Ind Coy.
3. 0.C. Coy will be in charge of land operations. 2 I/C Coy will be in charge of disembarking operations. Capt R.R. Baldwin (No 2 Ind Coy) will be in charge of native and horse transport. He will be assisted by an officer appointed by 0.C. Coy. The landing will be covered by 2 Secs from No 2 Ind Coy. Covering parties will not begin move to Pl areas before 1200 hrs 24th September.
4. Dispersal:
(a) Precautions will be taken against aerial activity.
(b) Fullest use will be made of cover within the immediate landing area.
(c) Tentative RVs for PI and COY HQ will be recced by 0.C.Coy. These sites will be shown to guides who will move their parties quickly from beach to RV.
5. Guides:
Guides will be:
A Pl To be selected
B Pl Cpl R.A. Aitken (B Pl No 2 Coy)
C PI Pte J.T. Coyle (C PI No 2 Coy). Replaced by Pte Teague.
HQ Pte H.J. Brown (HQ No 2 Coy).
6. Movement:
Movement of troops to the forward areas will be at the discretion of OC Coy. OC Coy will ensure that as each PI is ready it will move away under guidance. The first stage is to gain wider dispersal. Except in extreme circumstances the first stage will not exceed 10 miles.
7. Routes:
COY HQ and C PI will move together to SAME. Coy medical officer RAP Sgt and orderly will remain at ALAS.
8. Timing (in days):
BETANO – AITUTU (2 days) BETANO – MINDELO (2 days)
9. Rations:
Three days rations will be carried on each soldier. Meals will be provided at ALAS and SAME for troops moving into forward areas.
10. Water and Malaria:
Drinking unboiled water will be discouraged until troops become acclimatised and gain a better knowledge of country. Officers in charge of parties will endeavour to reach foothills above flat coastal belt before bivouacking for night to escape possible malaria infection.
11. Currency:
Paymaster will take over all currency and distribute on pro-rata basis £200 in silver coin per Pl (No 2 Coy 5 Pls, No 4 Coy 4 Pls) – DUTCH £200 pounds – FORCE £200 pounds. All notes or additional silver currency to be held by FORCE.
12. Inter-Comm.
No 4 Coy Pls Commands will advise their Coy Commander through No 2 Coy W/T channels of arrival of respective parties at Pl bases.
Signed at ALAS 0900 hrs 22nd September 1942
SPENCE, A. (T) Lt Col
1. 0C No 4 Ind Coy
3. Capt Webster
4. War Diary
5. File
6. 0C L of C
Pack train arrived OK last night and boy was it OK. We had been living off maize for 4 days straight and we have this morning procured a BEAK KROW [?] so there is still a bit of truth in the old saying it never rains but it pours (more ways than one up here). I myself received 4 parcels and 13 letters so am quite contented for a while. The overseas news was great but the local stuff isn’t so hot is it?
DICK WILLIAMS arrived per kuda [Timor pony] with a knee badly inflamed and swollen so am sending him back with pack train.
JOHN VIERRA’S report was a beauty wasn’t it. When that first large convoy of trucks went east and everything was quiet in DILI John suggested that he go in and have a look around. I didn’t object and I gave him a list of things to try and find out. He went back to SAME later and disguised himself as a Timor while his ex creado Antony procured three Timor passports unto DILI. He then bought a small sucker pig pinched a few pineapples and bought some eggs and off he went. He had a couple of good yarns with some JAPS and he bought back all the info I had asked for written down on a piece of paper. He has told us a couple of funny instances which were rather humorous in the telling. His first one was the way he paced out the distance from the crossroads to the first plane and then the distance between each plane it was bloody funny watching him give a demonstration. He went first into DILI, had a look around then presented his pig to some JAPS and got a pat on the back plus a present of some osser [?]. He then went to the DROME and from the planes went to the OLD DROME then to TAI-BESSI and on to LAHANE and then back here via SAMALETTE. The JAPS asked DOMINGOS to be a soldier. DOMINGOS replied that his mama and papa had run away from the Aussies and he wanted to go to the mountains and find them. But he told them he would return and be a soldier when he had found them. On their way out of DILI they passed through a Timor village just about due west of REMEXIO. While there some espionas robbed John; he didn’t have any knife so Domingos did the trick between the nigs ribs. Another espionas had a go at Domingos and Antony got him with a knife; things were a bit crowded so John dropped a grenade amongst them and beat it downhill. They didn’t go back to see the damage and they were not followed so they had a little bit of fun didn’t they?
There haven’t been any JAPS in REMEXIO for a week and no espionas either. Also only 20 espionas with rifles in DARLAU. I have acquired 6 good type nigs from DARLAU area. 3 of them were in the PORTO army for five years and gave No 2 Coy boys a hand when they were there. I have them doing a daily patrol from here to Remexio and from here to COURT MORIE ensuring that we are not outflanked each day. Tomorrow I am sending 2 boys with the nigs to COURT MORIE and they will OP METI-NARO for 2 days and see how many JAPS and were camped in that area. The yellow bastards go in for a swim every morning down there. Everything OK with life and for a week at least our tucker will be quite enjoyable. I sent Domingos and 2 creados down to get that mucken [?] from SAPPO 2 days ago so he should be back shortly. DAN, will you send up your utility pouches if you haven’t any use for them also if you can pick up another set from Coy do so please. I am 2 water bottles shy and would like a couple of basic pouches for the T.S.M.Gs as half of their equipment is worn out.
My wife and mother wish to be remembered to you. Regards TIGE.
Appendix C/1
Morale: Good
Discipline: Good
Supplies: Boot problem now acute for those wanting large sizes 8 to 10.5. Several men unavailable for patrol work owing to lack of boots. Ammunition and cash asked for per Haydon are very urgent. Please increase .303 to 1000 rounds and cash to £25 – will be borrowing money from boys in three or four days’ time. Can it be arranged for my binoculars to come back to the section. We have only one pair left as GIBBs gave his to HATO. Our glasses are at OP all the time and I consider it essential that one pair should be with patrols moving in close proximity to JAPS as instanced by our recce of BAUCAU road where identification of enemy was very difficult without glasses. RAP kit is very low – every item needing replenishment and the following are required – Iodine, Bismuth, Acre-flavine, Sulphanilamide, Whitfield’s, and Aspros.
As no reply was received to my note asking if you wanted more rice, I have not negotiated for further supplies from LACLUBAR Commandant. I was considering sending two men to stay at LACLUBAR and keep up the local connection there and forward supplies (mainly sweet potatoes) up to FATU-MAQUEREC as well as to us. It would also be a stopping place for anybody moving this way. However this could not be done until our four absent men return.
Operational: Disposition HQ WY-LULIC (CRIBAS) – Patrols leave here to TUQUETTE, FATA-BELLA, KA-LA-LOO AND BAER-KA-DORK embracing the CRIBAS road OP at BAER-KA-DORK manned by 4 men. (Map Ref. BAER-KA-DORK, 26010835).
Road Recce: BAUCAU-MANATUTO road. Party (OAKLEY, HAYES, GASTON, WHELAN, MCMICKING O.D., CARSON, PHILLIPS, HANSEN) set out 21st November and made inspection of road from slightly East of LAMSANA to creek 26080832 during night of 21/22. Road very flat, runs along valley between hills, no cuttings or embankments so not ideal sections for blowing although road is crumbly in some places and blows would be fairly easily effected, but quickly repaired. As previously mentioned there are wooden bridges (3) but alternate routes easily and quickly possible. Had a false alarm when thought we heard a truck coming and went to side of road and GASTON had so much Cacti in his legs that he was unable to walk at reasonable speed, so he went back to camp. He still is on sick list 4 days after.
Set up ambush on 22nd November. Utility with 7 or 8 JAPS came from BAUCAU at 1125 hrs, 200 yards range, one Jap ran away so possibly two got out alive, others riddled. Got away 500 rounds, mostly in engine of the utility so guess it was basically buggered (basic native word meaning nearly). Only several shots (sounded like revolver) in return. Evidently another truck arrived from BAUCAU at the spot as we heard a lot machine gunning 2 hours later and must have returned to BAUCAU as nothing was seen by our OP to enter or leave MANATUTO that day. JAPS dressed long trousers and sleeves, some looked like officers or NCOs had waist belts and Sam Browns. If a trip by engineers to the road comes off they would need 2 1/2 days to do the journey CRIBAS to road, that is if kudas (horses) came.
If harassing of this kind is desired it would be possible for our section to establish a hideout at an oomah (native hut) map ref 26060833 about 2 1/2 to 3 hours from road, suitable for 6 men for 4 to 5 days. Could ambush trucks or lay A/T mines on road, say two different nights, then leave area.
Would welcome reappearance of 4 absent members as soon as possible as there are two Tommy gunners amongst them If you would like to exchange MCCORMICK for one of your HQ men until MCCORMICK has fully recovered it would be acceptable (preferably 0’CONNOR F.)
Appendix D/1
On 3rd October, 15 Engineers, seven of Sec. 4 No.2 Coy and four of ‘B’ Pl. HQ, making 26 all told, left FATU MAQUEREC to ambush the JAPS on their way from MAUBISSE to AILEU. The first day six engineers dropped out and returned to HQ. We reached our proposed ambush spot (08462535) about 5 p.m. the second day. At 9 a.m. the next morning our left flank OP reported Japanese troops moving down the road from MAUBISSE. At the same time our right flank OP reported troops moving out of AILEU towards us. There were about 400 troops moving down the road from MAUBISSE and about 80 natives or JAPS moving round behind us from AILEU.
One of the sick men, who had slept in a native village on the river arrived about 9.15 a.m. to say our presence had been reported in AILEU the previous night by pro-Jap natives and that they were out to get us. The JAPS from MAUBISSE were about two hours away and the mob from AILEU, an hour. I decided to withdraw east along the ridge and perhaps get a crack at the AILEU mob as they were walking round our flank. The withdrawal was much against the grain as the big mob was a sitting shot at 300 feet from our ambush. Saw no more enemy during the withdrawal. We could not keep in contact with AILEU for, besides having enemy on both sides of us the natives reported the JAPS had an OP on the hill between us and AILEU and it was a day’s march around this area, by which time the JAPS may have moved north or south.
Great care must be taken at all times to guard both flanks and rear. It is almost impossible to stop knowledge of your presence from getting into towns occupied by the JAPS. Time of arrival must be as near as possible to expected time of ambush, only allowing enough time for a quick recce. If more than a day has to be spent waiting, it is advisable to withdraw a mile or so each night to sleep. Unless very sure of the natives, or unless there are several good lines of withdrawal it is not wise to remain in an ambush spot more than two days.
Many small points were noted and were duly passed on to the boys. Only 10 out of the original 26 returned with me, the rest straggling in during the day. It was a long, hard four days but the condition of the men could have been much better.
Appendix D/2
Message from MACO (WALKER) to DANO (0,Connor) dated 7th October 1942
Sec 4 – Established vicinity LACLUBA. Putting in some good work by patrolling and recce of country for some miles around. OP covers road from MANATUTO also along track along river from SAME town.
Sec 5 – OP with wireless overlooking DILI established in hills south of HERA. Whole Sec in vicinity plus sub-sec of No 2 Coy. Other sub-sec of No 2 back at CEON-BALI-HAR-HAR (near LILTAI) acting as a line of communication half-way house.
Sec 6 – Have instructed Bob to leave a small OP over Mob [Maubisse] and take the rest of the Sec back to Tur [Turiscai] for a spell. Have no details as yet of his action but naturally was very pleased about it. Should help to settle his men down quite a bit.
Engineers – At HQ with me and acting as a section reserve. Have asked Happy to send you a report on his men. Physical condition very poor. You mentioned some jobs you had in mind for them. There are only six sappers who even reach the objective much less do a job perhaps fight and then return. I have no doubt some of them will toughen up and with end in view am sending odd ones out to sections as runners.
HQ – Self, Sgt Oakley, Cpl Dean (RAP), Cpl Spreadborough (cook) and the two runners O’Connor and Bickford are here. Left Blackney, Smith and cooks at Section 6 to build it up and sent. Phillips to Sect 5. All sections are at full strength and all contain good men.
- The 208 at Sec 4 broke down and was returned here for repairs. Cannot repair it so sent them the spare 208. What shall we do with the broken one.
- Sigs will appreciate the A and Q batteries also the stationary when it arrives.
- I am without a pullover and should there be any about would like one. I thought Tom Blakeney bought mine over but it is not yet to hand.
- Consider salt tablets almost essential. Our shirts are coated with salt when the sweat dries off. Just learned that we had some covered in ointment and had to clean away.
- Happy would like some electric dets and were if possible so he could blow his road when a convoy was passing over it.
Appendix E/1
1. OBJECT: The object of the recce was to post sections of A and C pl No 4 IND COY and to familiarise myself with the area in which these or any other sub units may be operating. The itinerary of my movement is detailed in Appendix 1.
2. MOVEMENT: Difficulties of movement were readily appreciated and the careful consideration of the space-time factor was fully studied with a view to movement of troops and stores.
3. ROLL (ROLE) OF No. IND COY: (a) The roll (role) of the Coy was stressed to the Pl COs as firstly observation and the passing back of information and secondly aggressiveness towards the JAPS or hostile natives at every opportunity subject to the consideration that all actions on our part were to be planned in an endeavour to ensure minimum casualties to ourselves. The Pl COs were informed that they would be responsible for the planning and execution of local actions. This instruction applied particularly to A pl whose relative isolation prohibits the exertion of other than pre-planned control.
(b) The immediate roll (role) of the section posted to the BAZAR-TETE area was stressed to be primarily for the purpose of restoring contact with the PORTOS in this area to enable the gleaning of information from DILI-LIQUIÇA etc. Once established in the area the section may become aggressive – possible objectives being the ambushing of enemy MT and raids upon LIQUIÇA.
Where to hand C de Ps were located in towns visited in order to gain cooperation in obtaining food and keeping order and maintaining liaison between the natives in the area. It was particularly noticeable that contact was slow and difficult in areas, where there were no C de Ps. Also that so long as the C de Ps remained in their areas the natives remained controlled; e.g. ATSABE area. I found the C de Ps of ATSABE, LETE-FOHO and HATOLIA most willing to cooperate in the maintenance of our sections.
5. NATIVES: (a) In the areas visited I made no contact with unfriendly natives. However, there is definite evidence of trouble in any areas denied the influence of the PORTO administration and the majority of natives in all areas appear to be soon influenced by JAPANESE infiltration.
(b) Further consideration should be given to the supply of presents for native chefes. This subject was discussed with Captain WEBSTER on his last visit.
6. PORTOS: The PORTOS in the TALO area contacted me in respect to their future security. F0RCE was duly advised that they wished PORTUGAL to be advised of their plight. They expressed their willingness to remain and fight with us if armed providing their women folk and children were removed to AUSTRALIA for safety.
7. DUTCH FORCES: I contacted the DUTCH forces at MAPE under Lieut HORSTINK and visited their HQ. They evinced all outward and visible signs of cooperation which we reciprocated. The W/T set has been a contributing factor together with our attached sub-section which has accompanied the DUTCH on patrols. I was impressed by HORSTINK’s sincerity to resist both JAPS and natives. My contact with Captain BRAEMAR was too limited for me to form any opinion of DUTCH morale.
8. PLATOON PROBLEMS: (a) The general morale of the troops in both A and C Pls appeared to be good. I personally contracted the majority of the men of both Pls. All were ready for contact with the enemy and members of the C Pl expressed their determination at all costs to avoid a recurrence of their Sep action.
(b) FOOD – Though difficulty was experienced when the troops first arrived in their areas the question, had generally stabilised prior to my departure therefrom and I have received no contrary reports since my return to Coy. The necessity for sugar cannot be overstressed. Supplementary food requirements in order of priority are tabulated in Appendix 2.
(c) MEDICAL – The health of the troops was generally good. Few cases have had to be sent to hospital. I contacted two cases of sprained ankles. There have been isolated cases of fever, presumably Malaria.
(d) PERSONNEL EQUIPMENT – The short life of boots was already in evidence. It is essential that all boots delivered to the island shall be well studded both soles and heels. Such studding will ensure longer life and reduce risk of sprained ankles.
(e) TRANSPORT – Both A and C Pls have purchased requisite number of horses. Saddles are required for use of Pl COs to enable more rapid and frequent visitation, throughout their areas. Pack saddles should he provided from AUSTRALIA to maintain horses in good condition. Means of treatment for sore backs should also be provided.
(f) COMMUNICATIONS – (i) Difficulty was being experienced with cypher work particularly in A Pl area. Cpl ELLWOOD’S visit has largely eliminated this weakness.
(ii) 109 sets at both Pl HQ have been giving trouble causing delays in the passage of messages. Ultimate replacement of the 109 sets by converted 101 sets is most desirable.
9. WAR EQUIPMENT: (a) The practicability of forming a 3 inch Mortar squad of 2 or 3 Mortars is one requiring consideration if in the future mere aggressive action on enemy occupied towns is to be contemplated. With our own horses I do not consider the question of transportation was an unsurmountable difficulty. The value of the 2 inch Mortar is undoubtedly going to be governed by its very limited range. I would recommend that the Mortar squad be trained in AUSTRALIA and sent over for attachment to the Coy.
(b) The provision of additional Bren guns to enable distribution on the basis of two per section is requested. Only twelve Brens were brought across by No 4 IND COY. Our three remaining guns were ordered to be forwarded but have not yet been received. An additional five guns are requested making a total of 20.
(c) Circular magazines for TSMGs are required. 60 were ordered through Capt WEBSTER – not yet received.
Emergency rations (48 tins per case) | 3 cases | 1 1/2 | |
Bully Beef | 6 cases | 3 | |
Sugar | 200lbs | 4 lots | 2 |
Flour – in tins | 100lbs | 2 tins | 1 |
Salt | 50lbs | 1/2 | |
Vegemite | 1 case | 1 | |
Dried fruits | 1 case | ||
Total | 9 |
Note: Additional Bully Beef required for OP, 8 cases.
7 OCT | Departed COY HQ, AILALEC |
8 | Arrived SAME |
9 | Conference at SAME with 2 i/c and A and C Pl Cos |
10 | Departed SAME for D Pl HQ, KABLAK AREA |
11 | D Pl HQ to HATU-BUILICO in company with OC D Pl |
13 | At ATSABE portion of A Pl arrived. Discussion with C de P re supply food, native problem, etc. |
14 | ATSABE to ROTAI. Conducted party to Mt KATRAI to inspect proposed A Pl HQ |
15 | ROTAI to LETE-FOHO. CO D Pl returned to his HQ. At LETE-FOHO moved to DU-CRAI to inspect site for advanced Pl and Sec HQ |
16 | 3 Sec moved to HATOLIA. 2 Sec on recce patrols DU-CRAI area |
17 | Remained LETE-FOHO – contacted C de P |
18 | Moved with One Sec to ERMERA whence they moved on to FUNILALO. Contacted C de P ERMERA. Moved to TALO |
19 | Conference with 6 PORTOS at TALO. Moved to HATOLIA to visit 3 Sec; thence via TALO to ATURA |
20 | Moved ATURA to DU-CRAI thence to A Pl HQ |
21 | At A Pl HQ – general study of Pl area and platoon problems. |
22 | |
23 | Moved to ATSABE; met Major CALLINAN and C de P; contacted 7 Sec posted OP and moved to local hideout adjacent ATSABE-HATU-BUILICO track and distant 11/2- hours travel from ATSABE. |
24 | Moved to AINARO thence C Pl HQ east thereof. |
25 | Inspected AINARO and environs. |
26 | At C PL HQ. |
27 | Moved to MAPE – contacted Lint HORSTINK |
28 | Moved to CASSA thence to LIAS, DUTCH HQ |
29 | Returned to C Pl HQ |
30 | Visited 8 Sec at hideout near NUNAMOGUE |
31 | Moved AINARO to HATU-UDU |
2 | SAME to COY HQ |
Note: Subsequent to end of war Mac indicated this trip was undertaken to see as many of his men as there was a distinct possibility that they would all be captured JMW.